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Breaking News Earnhardt Jr. Highlights Risk of TBI in Dallas Car Accidents 651


The issue of traumatic brain injuries in auto accidents made national news after Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced he would sit out a pair of races after back-to-back concussions at crashes in Kansas and Talladega.

Dallas brain injury lawyers understand such injuries are far from uncommon

“You know your body and how your mind works, and I knew something was just not quite right. I decided to just try to push through and work through it,” Earnardt Jr. said according to USAToday. Earnhardt Jr. was little more than a rookie, and driving just in front of his late father in the 2001 Daytona 500, when Dale Earnhardt Sr. was killed after slamming into the Turn 4 wall on the last lap. Cause of death was a basilar skull fracture, caused when his head, propelled by the velocity of the collision, snapped forward in the accident.

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NASCAR has since made many safety improvements, including a next-generation car that moves the driver toward the center, a head-and-neck restraint device and soft wall technology. However, the risk of concussions and other traumatic brain injuries has not abated.

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Halloween season is the deadliest spell for pedestrian accidents in Santa Ana and elsewhere in Southern California.


Halloween party months are the deadliest term with regard to pedestrian injuries in Southern Ca.

Halloween season is the deadliest time of the year for pedestrian accidents in Santa Ana and elsewhere in Southern California.

Injury attorneys in Rancho Santa Margarita and throughout Southern California understand that children are most at risk. In fact, children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian accident during Halloween than at any other time of the year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports more than 4,200 people were killed in pedestrian accidents in 2010 — another 70,000 were seriously injured. California pedestrian accidents claimed 599 lives that year. No other state reported more than 500 deaths.

These cases frequently result in very serious or fatal injury. Motorists are urged to use extra caution, particularly when traveling in residential neighborhoods after dark. Speeding is another risk factor — higher speed shortens the time you have to react and increases the force of collision.

Here are some LAPD Halloween Safety Tips:

-Trick-or-treat before dusk and never let a child go alone.
-Examine treats.
-Never invite children into your home or allow your child to enter a stranger’s home.
-Set a curfew and use proper supervision of children.
-An adult escort and flashlight should accompany small groups of children.
-Keep pets inside and away from children.
-Costumes should be easily visible.
-Comfortable shoes and costumes that don’t obstruct vision are critical.
-Children should always use sidewalks.
-Children should be taught to look in both directions and make eye contact with a driver before crossing the street.

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Adjusters can be end up being very intimidating, in fact, and try to “low-ball” injured employees, getting them to agree to a settlement that won’t cover all their occupational injury costs such as surgery, physical therapy, medication or ergonomic equipment that they need to fully heal.

Fatalities on the job decline in 2011, according to government report


The government recently had some good news about on-the-job fatalities in the United States: Nationwide, the number of workplace deaths declined to the lowest level over the past two decades.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a preliminary total of 4,609 fatal work injuries were recorded nationally in 2011, which is a drop from the previous year, when there were 4,690 deadly work injuries. The decline in workplace fatalities has continued for the past 17 years, according to the Houston Chronicle, which reported on the fatal workplace accident statistics.
As Los Angeles workers comp lawyer, we know how devastating fatal workplace injuries can be on families. Our mission has been to help injured employees obtain the workers comp benefits they need after an on-the-job accident. We also assist families who have lost loved ones in workplace accidents.

In California, fatal workplace accidents unfortunately are not unusual and may require the help of an experienced workplace injury attorney in Los Angeles. California is ranked as one of the deadliest states in the nation when it comes to workplace injuries. California recorded 360 fatalities in 2011, second to Texas, which recorded 433 fatalities. California was one of the few states that saw the number of occupational fatalities rise, from 326 in 2010 to 360 a year later.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that transportation incidents accounted for more than 40 percent of all fatal work injuries in 2011 in the United States. In California, there were 118 fatal transportation incidents. Nationwide, 15 percent of all deadly workplace accidents involved contact with objects and equipment. Fifty workers died this way in California. The third most common fatal accident in the United States involved falls, which comprised 14 percent of fatal accidents in 2011. In California, 60 people died in 2011 from slips, trips or falls.

The report also noted that fatalities disproportionately involved men. And the most dangerous professions? That would be fishers and fishing workers, who experienced a fatality rate of 121.2 workers per 100,000 workers. By comparison, the average fatality rate for all jobs is 3.5 workers per 100,000 full-time workers. Logging workers had the second deadliest job, with a fatality rate of 102.4 per 100,000. Pilots and flight engineers have the third most dangerous job, with 57 fatalities per 100,000.
Out of the top 10 most dangerous jobs, truckers and traveling sales workers recorded the most fatalities in 2011. There were 795 deaths of workers in those occupations in 2011.

If you were injured on the job and need a workers comp attorney serving Santa Ana, Rancho Santa Margarita, Los Angeles and other communities throughout South California, contact California Law Associates. Call 714-542-3377 today for your free consultation. We can assist you if you were injured on the job or if you lost a loved one in a fatal workplace accident.

California Law Associates
3540 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 615
Los Angeles, CA 90010 22342
Los angeles workers comp attorney

Big Voodoo oversees web pages for famous lawyers throughout the united states


Big Voodoo handles web sites for renowned lawyers throughout the united states law firm web design

Online marketing, branding and web development company BIG VOODOO INTERACTIVE (BVI) has set up shop at 4 Open Square Way, Suite 410, in a move that will give the firm room to grow and flourish in a vibrant, central location.

BVI, which builds and manages websites for attorneys across the United States, is proud to be a part of the Open Square community of more than 50 businesses in the heart of Holyoke’s Innovation District. Open Square, the country’s largest zero net energy mixed use development, is an ideal fit for BVI, said James Fitzgerald, Director of Marketing for BVI.

With easy and quick access to I-91, the MassPike, routes 116 and 391, Open Square allows BVI to attract top notch employees from throughout the region.

“At the rate our company is growing, and given our need for specialized talent, it’s critical that we have a centrally located, creative space large enough to accommodate our current and future growth,” Fitzgerald said. “We’re able to pull talent from Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts.”

The office’s proximity to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Conn., will prove valuable in connecting with clients, as BVI has customers spread throughout the country, according to Fitzgerald.

BVI is occupying 3,500 square feet of office space on the fourth floor, making the firm one of the larger Open Square tenants. As a progressive, growing web development company, BVI’s workforce includes employees who work either completely or partly from home in addition to those who are based in Open Square.

“We’re cloud-based, digital and we encourage creativity and innovation among the staffers who work either in house or remotely,” Fitzgerald explained.

BVI is one of the leaders in the highly competitive field of legal website marketing and development. The staff includes experienced designers, programmers, writers, account managers, SEO strategists and social media specialists.

Previously based in Northampton, BVI opened its doors in 2008 as Intake Advantage. The company continues to expand and currently employs about a dozen individuals who are dedicated to creating cutting edge, top performing websites for lawyers.

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Responsive website design for Law Firms Takes Center Stage


What is Responsive website design for law firms? It’s exactly what it sounds like. A website that reformats and responds, depending on what device is accessing it.

Why is this important to me? Many web vendors have been selling multiples site – in the hopes that Google will give their clients more real estate in the search results.

This is wrong.
responsive design for lawfirms

Not only is mobile and tablet browsing hitting an all-time high in the past 6 months, Google is now recommending it for the mobile delivery. (see

With fewer than 5% of law firms actively managing their sites in one of the fastest-growing consumer-competitive markets, A responsive design handles every aspect of site-management.

One of the dangers of whiplash is that many car accident victims will walk away from a crash Albuquerque NM


Whiplash is a common term, and, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, although whiplash injuries can occur in any kind of crash, car accident whiplash is most common in rear-end collisions.

During the summer, vacationers heading from Albuquerque to Santa Fe or Las Cruces on Highway 25 or to Gallup on Highway 40 are sometimes paying more attention to the beautiful desert views than to the road. One of the most common distracted driver car accidents is a rear-ender wreck. The best Albuquerque personal injury lawyers see plenty of downtown Albuquerque rush hour traffic rear-ender whiplash injuries as well, involving New Mexico residents who may be texting while driving home from work.

In a 2008 report, the NHTSA estimated that between 1988 and 1996, 805,581 whiplash injuries occurred annually in crashes involving passenger cars and LTVs (light trucks, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and vans). Of these whiplash injuries, 272,464 occurred as a result of rear-end impacts. Victims should not hesitate to contact the best car accident lawyers in Albuquerque, NM.

Though whiplash is very common, many people don’t fully understand exactly what happens to the neck, back and shoulders in the car accidents that cause them, whether it’s a drunk driving accident or a driver distracted at the wheel. Whiplash injuries have to do with the motion of the driver and passengers when a vehicle is struck from behind. Several movements occur in quick succession to occupant of a rear-ended car. First, from the occupant’s frame of reference, the back of the seat moves forward into his or her torso, straightening the spine and forcing the head to rise vertically. Second, as the seat pushes the occupant’s body forward, the unrestrained head tends to lag behind. This causes the neck to change shape, first taking on an S-shape and then bending backward. Third, the forces on the neck accelerate the head, which catches up with-and, depending on the seat back stiffness and if the occupant is using a shoulder belt, passes-the restrained torso. This motion of the head and neck is like the lash of a whip, giving the resulting neck injuries this common name.

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Lawyer Post Concussions in Student Athletes: Preventing Further Injury


While looking at KCTV5’s website this morning, I saw an article about new safeguards being implemented to help prevent additional concussions in student athletes. Concussions in sports is a trending topic lately with all the new information that has come out in the past year or two about professional football and the long-term effects concussions are having on these players. See: Schools are now looking at their student athletes and the risks of concussions.
In 2011, new laws started being passed to protect student athletes. With the increasing focus on professional ball players’ head injuries and soldiers in combat, we have been forced, with good reason, to look closely at the dangers of concussions in school sponsored organized sports.

KCTV5 just reported that 2 Kansas school districts are requiring all student athletes to test their baseline prior to playing in sports. They are using a new tool that will detect concussions. If a student athlete is injured during a game, the student will have to take the test again to compare the results to the baseline to determine whether the student can return. It will test reaction time and learning response.

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Lawyers Post 7 Infamous Celebrity Car Accidents with Devastating Injuries


Car accidents can be tragic with devastating results such as paralysis, brain injuries, and even death. Unfortunately, no one is immune from motor vehicle collisions. Sometimes we make poor driving decisions, and sometimes those around us drive recklessly or negligently. Even though you can control your own speed, wear your seatbelt, and avoid distracted driving, you cannot control the actions of the other drivers on the road. Below is a discussion of some of the infamous celebrity car accidents that have occurred over the years. See: Driving Under the Influence Accidents

1. James Dean – September 30, 1955 – 24 y/o

James Dean was driving his Porsche 550 Spyder; a Ford Tutor attempted to turn, crossing into Dean’s lane, causing a collision. Dean died shortly after the accident, and his passenger sustained a broken jaw after being ejected from the vehicle.

2. Princess Diana – August 31, 1997 – 36 y/o

Although we may never know exactly what caused this accident, whether the driver was attempting to evade Paparazzi, whether the driver was speeding or driving under the influence, one thing is clear: the car she was in hit a pole resulting in her death and two others.

3. Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes – April 25, 2002 – 30 y/o

Lopes was driving an SUV while speeding and she lost control, causing the SUV to flip over. She sustained a severe blow to her head that resulted in death at the scene of the collision.

4.Ryan Dunn – June 20, 2011 – 34 y/o

Dunn was drinking and driving when his car veered off the road and crashed into a tree. Both he and his passenger died in the accident.

5. Grace Kelly – September 14, 1982 – 52 y/o

While driving with her daughter, she likely suffered a stroke, causing her to lose control of her vehicle on a curve known as “Devil’s Curse.” Her Rover crashed through a barrier and went down the slope striking a tree.

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More teens text or send emails while driving than you might think: Get the facts


Texting while driving in Los Angeles continues to be a dangerous trend, particularly among teenage drivers. An alarming new survey reveals that more than half of high school seniors admit they text or email while behind the wheel. The survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides the first federal statistics on how common the texting is among young drivers.

The national survey, which was conducted in 2011, found that 58 percent of high school 12th graders said they read or wrote text messages or emails while driving during the previous month, according to a report in The Associated Press. About 43 percent of high school juniors also admitted to texting while driving or emailing while driving.

As a personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles, Mickey Fine knows first-hand how dangerous texting and driving, or emailing and driving, can be. Serious accidents resulting in catastrophic or fatal injuries can be traced back to someone who was looking at a phone instead of at the road.

The U.S. Department of Transportation recently announced it was sending Sacramento $1.5 million for a “Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other” campaign. The money will be used to boost advertising and increased police enforcement, according to the Los Angeles Times. “Distracted driving is an epidemic,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a news release.

California law bans texting and hand-held cellphone use while driving. According to the Office of Traffic Safety, 10.8 percent of Californians use cellphones while driving at any given daylight hour.
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The Law Offices of Mickey Fine – Bakersfield, CA
1801 Oak Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: (661) 369-7735

New Haven CT High Speed Motorcycle Crash Fatality Video Post


As you can see from the break lights, the heavy traffic was unexpectedly slowing. By analyzing the actions of all veihicles we aggressivly persued each insurance company to obtain a substantial total recovery for our client from each available insurance policy.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney CT