Archive for August, 2013

Boston MA Personal injury attorney – Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Massachusetts


“Slip and fall” is a term used for an injury case when a person slips or trips and falls, and is injured on someone else’s property, usually due to someone elses negligence. These cases usually come under the broader category of cases known as premises-liability claims, because slip and fall accidents usually occur on the property owned or maintained by someone else. This person may be held legally responsible for your accident.

Boston MA Personal injury lawyer – Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Massachusetts

When he went to the loading doc, he walked though an area that was open and clean of all hazards, on his way back carrying a large bundle of items he walked though the same area and he tripped and fell on a hose that had been left right in the middle of where people walk. He fell on his right shoulder. He suffered a tear to his rotator cuff and aggravated his lower back.

Our office brought claim against the store, claiming that they were negligent. They said he was at fault for causing his own accident and that he shouldn’t have been in that department. We were able to learn that someone from the courtesy booth had brought the hose down to dispose of in the dumpster, but instead had left itin the open. And and then my client came along and tripped on that hose. Also my client had every right to be there because as a licensy he was properly in that area. And that he wasn’t at fault for causing that accident because the items he was carrying blocked his view of the floor.

Though the discovery process we were able to pursue this matter and the insurance company for the store decided to pursue this matter and the insurance company for the store decided to mediate the case, come to settle the case rather then take it to trial. At mediation we received a large settlement, that compensated my client for his medical bills, his pain and suffering, and his permanent impairment as a result of the accident.
More: Lawyer info

The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone is experienced in handling slip and fall liability cases.

Trip and Fall:

  • Negligent care of a sidewalk or publicly owned area, such as a pothole in the ground
  • Unsafe or narrow stairways
  • Safety code violations
  • Hazardous weather conditions such rain, ice or snow

Injured in an accident, maybe you need a Boston Personal injury lawyer? At at our law firm we serve Boston and communities throughout Massachusetts, an experienced injury attorney can fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve. Remember, your initial consultation is free, and you don’t pay us unless you win.

Personal Injury Attorney

Phoenix and Scottsdale Trucking Accident Lawyer


Personal Injury Lawyer Based in Scottsdale, Serving Phoenix and the Entire State of Arizona
Clients value us for our experience, dedication, integrity and 20 years of successfully fighting personal injury and business litigation cases. Our sole purpose is to help our clients recover from their injuries, whether from car accidents, boating accidents, medical negligence, premises liability injuries or professional misconduct, such as breach of contract in a business deal.

We know how hard it is to struggle with legal issues while you’re also trying to recover physically, emotionally and/or financially from injuries or hardship. We prepare every case meticulously, answering all your questions along the way so that you know you’re in good hands. We strive to do what’s right for those who have been wronged, and if we become your law firm, you can count on us to fight hard to help you and your family get back on your feet.

accident attorney phoenix, az

A Relentless Phoenix Trucking Accident Lawyer Who Takes On Trucking Companies
Not only does personal injury attorney Jeffery J. Hernandez fight diligently for the rights of Phoenix, Arizona trucking crash injury victims. He also offers a wealth of insight into how trucking wreck insurance claims adjusters work. Before he became an Arizona personal injury attorney, he was an insurance adjuster. That experience is part of the reason he decided to become an accident injury lawyer. After seeing so many good people being mistreated by intimidating insurance adjusters, trying to pressure injury victims to accept unfair, “low-ball” settlements, he wanted to be able to help all victims get the compensation they deserve.

You can count on Attorney Hernandez to negotiate with truck insurance company adjusters so you receive a fair trucking crash settlement. Here are just a few types of cases we handle:

Fatigued trucking drivers
DUI trucking accidents
Texting trucker jackknife crash
Delivery trucking accidents
Trucking company negligence
Distracted truck driver accidents
Overturned big rig
18-wheeler accidents
Jeffery J. Hernandez is the determined, reliable Phoenix, Arizona trucking accident lawyer you want in your corner, and he will work diligently for your justice. Call him at (480) 624-2765 or contact us online today for a free, confidential, personalized consultation. Don’t let a negligent trucker get away with it-let us pursue justice for you!

Los abogados que conocen la ley – Houston TX Auto Accident attorney


Understanding a car or truck wreck involves following an intricate chain of decisions of ownership, professional liability of those who maintain the truck, coverage, past negligence and other factors.

Rely on our firm to cover all the bases, including examining critical business records such as:

  • Driver logs
  • Driver background checks
  • Driver history of accidents or moving violations
  • Fleet maintenance records

The insurance company of the driver who caused the accident should pay towing and storage costs. If the car or truck is totaled, the insurance company will pay to have it transferred to a salvagge yard. If you don’t want your insurance company to move your car, you will be responsible for any storage or towing fees. Under Texas law, the victim of a car accident has a duty to avoid unnecessary storage fees, even if the accident was not their fault. Avoid being stuck with a portion of the storage fees by contacting a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident.

If the fair market value of your car is less than the outstanding loan, you still need to pay the whole amount of the loan. Put another way, you owed what your car is worth.

Los abogados que conocen la ley – Houston TX Car Accident attorneys

– Lawyers that know the law – Free consultation for your Accident. Call (713) 739-1250 Seek medical help if you have been in an accident. Contact the police. Let them know if anyone is injured or if anyone is intoxicated.
Gather the following from those involved in the accident (including drivers, passengers, pedestrians and witnesses).
Write down details about the accident, such as the date and time of the accident, the directions of the vehicles, how it occurred, the names and badge numbers of police offers who came to the scene, and any damage to the vehicles that you saw. Photograph the accident scene, including damage to vehicles, skid marks, street signs, and weather conditions. If you don’t have a camera and you contact our firm, our staff may be available to take photos for you. Many people now have cell phone cameras, making it easier to take photos.

Patients should be treated in facilities that are properly maintained and hygienic. When hospital administrators fail to ensure that standards are met, it can result in unnecessary injury to patients and other people using their facilities. Drugs ingested without a full understanding their proper dosage and their interactions with other drugs are considered dangerous. Some drugs carry greater intrinsic risk than others. You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one has taken a dangerous drug that was inappropriately prescribed. (Please be aware that these are just some of the dangerous drugs that may cause adverse side effects.):

At Smith & Hassler, an experienced personal injury lawyer will assist you or your loved one in your case. Call (713) 739-1250 for your free personal injury consultation today – Learn More Remember, your initial consultation is free, and you don’t pay us unless you win.

Personal injury lawyer

Bike share program in Austin TX could increase bicycle accidents


Bicycle riding has become increasingly popular in recent years as a means of dealing with high traffic in urban areas and as an alternative to cars as gas prices have gone up and concerns about pollution have persisted. Many cities are adopting bicycle sharing programs in order to make biking easier. Recently, YNN Austin announced that the city of Austin, Texas will be moving forward with a bicycle sharing program.


Our Austin family lawyers know that a bike sharing program could encourage more people to take up riding and could increase the number of bicyclists on the roads. In New York City, a bike-sharing program led to riders traveling more than 1.5 million miles in just the first month of the program. While it is great that bike sharing can increase convenience and making riding a more popular option, more bicyclists on the road also means a greater chance of bike accidents happening. As a result, cyclists and drivers need to be aware of the risks of crashes and need to take safety precautions to prevent accidents.

Austin Moving Forward with Bike Sharing Plan

The new bike-sharing program approved by the Austin City Council will result in hundreds of bicycles being made available for public use around town. An agreement has been entered into with B-Cycle to purchase an estimated $2 million worth of bicycles, kiosks and computer software to manage the new sharing program.

The program will allow riders to have an annual or monthly membership or to rent a bike on a daily basis. Estimates indicate that there will be about 10 different stations around town where bicyclists can rent and return bikes. The program will start with 100 bicycles and will continue to expand. By the spring of 2014, the next phase of the project will result in a total of 40 kiosk locations and 400 available bicycles.

Bike Safety is Key injuries and deaths have resulted in family Divorce See: Divorce Lawyer Austin Tx
Cyclists are excited about the new bike-sharing program, but it is important that both bike riders and drivers do everything possible to avoid the risk of bike accidents with more riders on the road.

For drivers, this means:
Checking for bike riders and yielding the right-of-way as required.
Refraining from dangerous behaviors such as speeding, drunk or drowsy driving, and driving while distracted. All of these behaviors could lead to an accident with a bike rider.
Leaving enough space between yourself and cyclists. Aggressive driving causes accidents.

For bicycle riders, safety efforts can include:
Wearing bright colors to be seen more easily and using reflective material when riding after dark.
Obeying lane markings and all rules of the road.
Riding in bicycle lanes whenever possible and always riding with traffic.
Communicating with drivers by using hand signals and ensuring that you make eye contact so drivers can see you on the roads.

Read The Full Story

Car Accident attorneys Houston TX – Smith & Hassler and Spokesperson William Shatner


Road paving accidents frequently occur when the job site is inactive but a piece of equipment, sheet of metal or affected roadway has been left in a hazardous location or condition. Thirdparty contractors may be held liable for accidents at a roadpaving project site. When a roadpaving project is under way, the entity in charge of the work site must ensure that cars or trucks and people have a safe way around the work site. Additionally, safety regulations must be followed.

Auto Accident attorneys Houston TX – Smith & Hassler and Spokesperson William Shatner

Si usted ha sido herido leyes le permiten recoger dinero para alg?n otro descuido, negligencia, imprudencia o acciones intencionales. Ley de lesiones personales tambi?n se llama agravio? ley. llamar (713) 739-1250

Do not become a victim because another persons negligence – our firm will hold the person who harmed you responsible. Our firm will get you the compensation you deserve for your losses. Since we understand the difficulties that individuals and families are up against after an injury, we have committed our extensive resources and skill to aggressively asserting victims’ rights.
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Remember, the insurance companies don’t work for truck or car accident victims. At our firm, we do. And we will keep working hard to get everything you deserve. The fight for the compensation that’s rightfully yours starts now. Contact us. Investigating a truck accident involves following an intricate chain of decisions of ownership, professional liability of those who maintain or load the truck, insurance coverage, past police reports and many factors.

Any injury that requires surgery is serious and immediately introduces an additional level of risk to the victim, as the recovery from surgery and care of a wound themselves are risks. Children who undergo surgery run the risk they may heal improperly and suffer a lifetime of disfigurement and pain.

Even when a surgical procedure is “successful,” the patient may not return to the preaccident level of health, or function. If your injury has led you to the operating table, it’s important that you be aware of all the legal ramifications of what has happened.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury requiring surgery, contact our firm. An experienced personal injury lawyer will assist you or your loved one: You don’t pay us any fees unless you win. Call (713) 739-1250

Personal injury lawyer