Archive for November, 2013

A large bus rear ended a car on Almeda Genoa



Several people were injured in a four vehicle accident that involved a METRO bus. Around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon a METRO bus rear-ended a black colored car on Almeda Genoa TX, pushing the car into two other vehicles. The car’s driver and two passengers were transported by ambulance. The commentary to Channel 2’s story on the accident makes for some interesting reading.


Bus Accident

Recall and Warnings for Diabetic due to False Claims about Diabetes Drugs


Diabetic Test Recall and Warnings of False Claims about Diabetes Drugs


This July, the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to diabetes patients about diabetes treatments that were being illegally sold. The FDA cautioned that some companies are trying to take advantage of the rising number of patients with diabetes by making false promises. Just a few short days later, on July 31, the FDA released yet another warning to diabetes patients, this time alerting them about a massive recall of diabetes test strips.


Our law firm know that diabetes patients are generally reliant on a variety of different medical products and drugs in order to manage and treat symptoms of their condition. Unfortunately, the reliance on medical products puts diabetes patients at great risk of harm when drug companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers release dangerous or defective products.

FDA Warnings to Diabetes Patients

The first of the FDA warnings released towards the end of July addressed products sold with false claims about their ability to prevent, treat and cure diabetes. The FDA had launched an investigation of diabetes products that were being marketed to consumers with promises that could not be kept, surveying the marketplace to find treatments that were being sold illegally.

The FDA found that there were an abundance of such products and sent 15 different companies warning letters indicating that their sale of diabetes products was violating federal law. The drugs targeted by the FDA included:

  • Products sold as dietary supplements
  • Alternative medicines such as ayurvedics
  • Prescription drugs
  • Over the counter drugs
  • Homeopathic products

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Personal injury lawyers

SAN ANTONIO Texas News623


– They didn’t get to watch their children grow up into young adults. They missed saying goodbye to grandparents, and in one case, a father, before those loved ones passed away.

But three women who were released from prison on Monday after spending more than a decade behind bars – for crimes they say they didn’t commit – said they relished their new-found freedom and would continue fighting for their full exoneration.

“I got to meet my son for the first time since he was 4,” said Liz Ramirez, 39, who along with the other women spoke with NBC News on Tuesday in their first interview since their release. “It was an amazing feeling, being in his arms.”

Personal injury lawyer san antonio

What sent the women to prison – Ramirez received a 37.5-year sentence and the others each got 15 years – were allegations of abuse leveled by Ramirez’s two young nieces, then 7 and 9 years old. The girls accused the four friends of sexually assaulting them twice in late July 1994 while they were visiting Ramirez at her apartment.

The women’s lawyer, Michael Ware, said the trial transcripts showed inconsistencies in the testimony given by the girls. But the crucial witness was a doctor who testified that the older girl’s hymen bore a scar that could only have come from abuse around the time of the alleged attacks, Ware said.

“I want to apologize to them. It’s hard,” she said, breaking down into tears. “I’m sorry for everything. I should have just spoken out a long time ago when I was a kid.”

Traffic Accidents in CA – Technology is No Substitute for Attentive Drivers – Article 757



Any auto accident lawyer in Irvine knows that the majority of car accidents are caused by human error. This has raised an important question: can technology, and ultimately self-driving cars, help to reduce the number of accidents that occur on the roads?  Some predict that it can. And we may not have to wait very long to find out the answer to this question, as the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Nissan pledges to market an affordable “self-driving” car by 2020.

According the Journal article, the executive vice president of Nissan demonstrated how a prototype of one of the self-driving vehicles, the Leaf electric car, could drive itself and respond to various situations on the road. The executive vice president also commented that most of the technology solutions needed for self-driving cars are already available and that the next big hurdle to overcome is the regulatory framework.

Could Self Driving Cars Reduce Accidents?

Part of the demonstration of the prototype vehicle involved showing how a combination of radar sensors, cameras and laser guidance systems could be used to allow the car to drive itself and avoid and interact with various obstacles on a track.

The vehicle was able to slow down and stop at a red light; to swerve to the left in order to avoid colliding with a pedestrian who jumped in front of the car; and to turn right in response to a turn signal, as well as simulate getting off at a freeway exit.

The sensors that allowed the car to do all of these things were built into the body, unlike prototype models currently being produced by Google that have a rotating device on the roof.  While the Nissan technology is still under development, a lot of the technology that will be necessary to make self driving vehicles a common reality already exists.

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Self Driving Cars