Archive for May, 2014

TMB Texas Physician License Defense – Austin Texas Attorneys


Don’t Jeopardize Your Career. Contact a TX Professional License Defense Lawyer

You earned a professional license in Texas. You may have undergone years of training, but now your future is in jeopardy. When someone files a formal complaint that could threaten your license and your career, you need to need to take strong, immediate legal action. Don’t simply assume the complaint will go away because you believe it does not have any merit. You need to take such complaints seriously right from the start. You need an experienced, knowledgeable professional license defense lawyer on your side, fighting for your rights. You need the Bertolino Law Firm.

Serving licensed professionals throughout Texas, the top-rated Bertolino Law Firm has a well-deserved reputation for helping people get their lives back on track. If someone has filed a complaint against you or your business, we can work with you to build a strong case and do everything we can to get such complaints dismissed.

TMB Texas Physician License Defense – Austin Texas Attorneys

One of the areas of law that our law firm handles and an area that a lot of our attorneys have extensive experience in physician licensing defense. What physician licensing defense is, is an area involving the representation and defense of medical doctors.

Serving medical professionals in Austin, Houston and San Antonio, Texas

Medical professionals dedicate years of their lives training to be doctors, surgeons, nurses and other highly skilled workers. They then often spend many more years building a solid reputation for being exceptional at their job. But sometimes a complaint is filed, which can tarnish a medical professional’s reputation. The complaint may be baseless, or there may be extenuating circumstances. Whatever the reason is behind a complaint, it’s a critical moment in your professional life and you will need to take immediate action.

If someone has lodged a formal complaint against you and your license, your professional reputation and good name are on the line. Don’t underestimate the seriousness of such complaints, no matter how unfounded they might seem. You need to take any formal complaint seriously right from the start. Your professional medical license could be at risk of being suspended or revoked. Don’t take chances. Contact us. The Bertolino Law Firm – Medical Board Defense Lawyer TX.

License Defense Lawyer

Orlando Wrongful Death Lawyer Who Holds People Accountable


Florida wrongful death attorney Richard Troutman knows that the loss of a loved one through negligence is always devastating. While no amount of money can bring someone back, a family may need to pursue a wrongful death claim to avoid financial catastrophe.

Florida Wrongful Death Attorney Who Holds People Accountable

At the Richard Troutman Law Firm, personal injury attorney Troutman and his fellow experienced Central Florida accident lawyers know how to investigate complicated cases involving wrongful death. Unfortunately, the insurance companies may try to stop you from getting the compensation you need. They may say there were pre-existing conditions that contributed to the death or that your loved one was somehow responsible. During such hardship, you need a compassionate lawyer who treats families with dignity and respect and takes an aggressive approach against the insurance companies on their behalf.

Source: Video

At the Richard Troutman Law Firm, personal injury attorney Troutman and his fellow experienced Central Florida accident lawyers know how to investigate complicated cases involving death. Unfortunately, the insurance companies may try to stop you from getting the compensation you need. They may say there were pre-existing conditions that contributed to the death or that your loved one was somehow responsible. You need a compassionate lawyer who treats families with dignity and respect and takes an experienced approach against the insurance companies on their behalf.

Fatal car accidents in Central Florida change the lives of entire families in an instant. When a loved one dies in an accident, the loss can affect a family in many ways – emotionally, psychologically and financially. Of course, no amount of money can truly compensate for the death of a loved one, but you and your family should not have to suffer financial losses for the rest of your lives because of someone else’s negligence.

While it may be hard to believe, many insurance companies know that grieving families don’t want to think about things like the financial impact of their loved one’s fatal accident. That’s why insurance companies routinely make “low ball” offers that don’t even begin to cover the true cost of a fatal accident. That’s just wrong. That’s why we fight so vigorously for the rights of families dealing with the loss of a loved on killed in a car accident caused by a negligent driver or company.

We understand there is an emotional cost of losing a loved one, which can keep family members from work and affect their happiness and well-being. Our Winter Park wrongful death attorneys take all these issues into consideration when fighting for your wrongful death claim or settlement. We put your best interests first.

Florida Personal Injury Law