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Car Accident attorneys Houston TX – Smith & Hassler and Spokesperson William Shatner


Road paving accidents frequently occur when the job site is inactive but a piece of equipment, sheet of metal or affected roadway has been left in a hazardous location or condition. Thirdparty contractors may be held liable for accidents at a roadpaving project site. When a roadpaving project is under way, the entity in charge of the work site must ensure that cars or trucks and people have a safe way around the work site. Additionally, safety regulations must be followed.

Auto Accident attorneys Houston TX – Smith & Hassler and Spokesperson William Shatner

Si usted ha sido herido leyes le permiten recoger dinero para alg?n otro descuido, negligencia, imprudencia o acciones intencionales. Ley de lesiones personales tambi?n se llama agravio? ley. llamar (713) 739-1250

Do not become a victim because another persons negligence – our firm will hold the person who harmed you responsible. Our firm will get you the compensation you deserve for your losses. Since we understand the difficulties that individuals and families are up against after an injury, we have committed our extensive resources and skill to aggressively asserting victims’ rights.
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Remember, the insurance companies don’t work for truck or car accident victims. At our firm, we do. And we will keep working hard to get everything you deserve. The fight for the compensation that’s rightfully yours starts now. Contact us. Investigating a truck accident involves following an intricate chain of decisions of ownership, professional liability of those who maintain or load the truck, insurance coverage, past police reports and many factors.

Any injury that requires surgery is serious and immediately introduces an additional level of risk to the victim, as the recovery from surgery and care of a wound themselves are risks. Children who undergo surgery run the risk they may heal improperly and suffer a lifetime of disfigurement and pain.

Even when a surgical procedure is “successful,” the patient may not return to the preaccident level of health, or function. If your injury has led you to the operating table, it’s important that you be aware of all the legal ramifications of what has happened.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury requiring surgery, contact our firm. An experienced personal injury lawyer will assist you or your loved one: You don’t pay us any fees unless you win. Call (713) 739-1250

Personal injury lawyer

GranuFlo, Naturalyte Recall, Fresenius Dialysis Texas Car Accident Attorneys


Did you know that serious injury including stroke and heart attack or even death as a result of undergoing dialysis treatment at a Fresenius clinic and were administered GranuFlo or NaturaLyte? Lawsuits are underway nationwide.

GranuFlo, Naturalyte Recall, Fresenius Dialysis Texas Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal Injury Attorneys Dallas TX – See Videos

Have you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or a wrongful death as a result of undergoing dialysis treatment at a Fresenius clinic and were administered GranuFlo or Naturalyte? Call the Carse Law Firm 877-865-2580. If you or someone you know is on dialysis, you need to know the FDA recall GranuFlo and NaturaLyte products used at Fresenius clinics all across the country. Major complications have been reported such as heart attack and even death.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a recall as a result of the leaked memo from Fresenius Medical Care to its own doctors. The November 2011 memo alerted medical directors and doctors about the alarming risk factor linked to use of GranuFlo and NaturaLyte. Fresenius, however, did not alert the thousands of doctors and dialysis centers outside of its own network. Those doctors continued to use the product. It’s shocking that Fresenius failed to warn all doctors using GranuFlo about the potentially lethal side effects.

Car accident injuries can be devastating, causing extreme pain, mobility problems, cognitive problems, paralysis and force you out of work due to the pain. From broken bones or back and neck injuries to spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries/TBI, auto crash injuries can mean surgeries, physical rehabilitation, using a wheelchair, and often emotional therapy. You may have been in a devastating car accident and have severe injuries, with a long road of medical procedures and hospitalization ahead.

Auto accident injuries in Texas can be devastating and may include any of the following:Fractured pelvis, Severe head injuries, Brain damage, Burn injuries, Spine injuries, Internal injuries, Whiplash

Many employers don’t believe their employee were hurt after a work related car crash and refuse to pay for needed medical treatment, occupational rehabilitation or lost wages. They will dispute the injury claim and some even fire the hurt employee in order to avoid paying when they should. There are several types of on-the-job injury situations and forms of legal recourse that we can pursue on your behalf. If you or a loved one was injured, you may be entitled to compensation. We understand that any type of personal injury can be devastating, but we can help protect your rights. We will help you seek damages for all your losses, such as wages and income, unreimbursed medical expenses, loss of companionship or consortium, and physical pain or suffering. Contact an attorney specialising in personal injury serving Dallas today to see how we can help. Please contact the Carse Law Firm.

The Carse Law Firm provides experienced and reliable representation to Dallas and clients throughout Texas. Our Attorney
understand how complicated your life can become after any type of personal injury, from serious injuries due to third party negligence.

Personal Injury Lawyer


Every day that goes by after the accident decreases the probability of an accident attorney being able to construct a winning accident case. The reason for it is because crash evidence can get lost, contaminated or irrelevant as a result of numerous factors. It’s vital that auto wreck victims or their loved ones document the scene of the accident with crash scene photographs and make sure to get contact information of all witness were saw the accident take place. Such evidence may well be essential in successfully defending the rights of car accident victims and really should be “preserved” so it is definitely admissible in the courtroom. For further guidance on the best ways to collect and preserve accident evidence, meet with a knowledgeable, diligent accident lawyer today.

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Each day that goes by subsequent to the accident reduces the odds of a collision attorney having the capability to put together a highly effective accident case. The primary reason for it is because crash evidence may become lost, contaminated or irrelevant due to numerous factors. It’s crucial that auto wreck victims or their family document the scene of the accident with crash scene photographs and get the contact information of all witness were saw the accident come about. Such evidence could very well be crucial in successfully defending the rights of car accident victims and should be “preserved” so it will undoubtedly be admissible in the courtroom. To get more thoughts on the right way to collect and preserve accident evidence, consult with a knowledgeable, diligent injury attorney today.

Personal injury lawyer document Download Free

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Asiana United Airlines Flight 967 CrashLocal News 10 Asiana


For people who are nervous about flying, the initial take off and landing are the most nerve wracking moments of their flight. Once the seatbelt warning light goes off and the plane levels out for the main leg of the voyage, most people then relax and treat the remainder of the flight like any other sort of travel. However, there is an all too common danger for passengers that occurs all too often and without warning. Sudden pockets of violent turbulence can cause grave injury without proper warning and advisement from the pilot.

On the 21st of July, 2010, United Airlines Flight 967 went through a large pocket of turbulence which sent any passenger or flight attendant not securely buckled into their seat hurtling upwards, with some of the unfortunate victims slamming on to the ceiling before dropping back down on top of other passengers. Upwards of 30 people were taken off the flight due to injuries, one of which left in critical condition. The most unnerving thing about this instance, however, is that this is not a freak accident. As of July, this is the third case of violent turbulence injuring passengers and crew this year for United Airlines alone. See: Aviation Accident Attorney This is an all too common threat that needs to be assessed promptly.

The most frustrating thing about this situation is how little passengers can prepare themselves for a possible violent episode of turbulence. Without any warning from those with the instruments to detect such air abnormalities there is a little that a passenger can do except always remain buckled in with their seatbelts, but on an long flight that could last upwards of 8 to 16 hours, this becomes a very difficult thing to do. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the pilots to give proper warning if they think that there may be even a slight period of turbulence in the near future and if this is not communicated properly, you may have a case against the airline. A personal injury attorney that specializes in airline injuries can investigate the situation and subsequently assist you in such a case.

The world’s largest pilot union rebuked the federal agency handling the investigation of Saturday’s passenger jet crash in San Francisco, saying it had released too much information too quickly, which could lead to wrong conclusions and compromise safety.

Asiana Airlines, based in South Korea, has said the pilot at the controls, Lee Kang-kuk, was still training on Boeing 777 jets and his supervisor was making his first flight as a trainer. Lee had 43 hours of experience flying the long-range jet, the airline said.

This is very reminiscent of an incident in Although there was a large fire in that crash, all 309 passengers and crew on the Airbus A340 managed to get off.
Without ignoring the casualty figures from the San Francisco incident, it shows that aircraft crashes like this are proving to be survivable incidents provided there is adequate crew training and an awareness of passengers to know what to do when there is an emergency.
And those key things: Know where your exit is, know to leave your belongings behind and exit the plane quickly and orderly because that is the way planes are designed.
The B777 aircraft is built so that everybody can get off the plane within 90 seconds even if half the doors are inoperable.
And they work on that basis because as you can see in the Asiana incident, one side of the aircraft is a lot more damaged than the other — and appears to be the main area of the fire — so you wouldn’t want to open the doors on that side.

Make up some numbers and get some thumbs ups? According to Morningstar the top *5* executives at UAL after Smisek avgd about 2mil, min around 1mil, but you’re saying there’s another 344 people there who averaged around 2mil? Source?
Any comparison of airlines across different countries is way more complicated than ‘unions’ v ‘executive pay’ US centric political BS, which is all your post, or the one saying ‘it’s all unions’, is.
As far FA’s, my niece on the Korean side of the family is a FA for Asiana, a very impressive young woman. But that’s the point, it’s a just a fact of life that young women in ROK still don’t have the same opportunities as in the West. It’s similar to the fact that, no offence intended to anyone, the caliber of people who become teachers now in the US is lower than it once was. At one time there were many extremely talented Jewish, female, black etc young people who would become teachers because prejudice blocked their path in higher paying occupations. Now it’s not as true. The decline in prejudice is a major advance on the whole economically and otherwise, but it lowers the quality of workers in *some* jobs.

Personal injury lawyer Houston TX – your own legal professional working on your case


Whether you or a loved one sustained a major spinal injury like with an Interstate 10 tractor trailer car accident or traumatic brain injury in a pedestrian accident, we we can offer you a free consultation to help. We understand the Texas legal system and know how to build a strong case designed to get you the money you rightfully deserve.

You might think you don’t need a lawyer to handle your Houston personal injury accident. Your case could seem straightforward. Don’t be so sure. Even the most seemingly simple accident, workplace accident can quickly become complicated. These companies want you to believe they have your best interests at heart. But the truth is most insurance companies only care about one thing: paying people as little money as possible and delaying payment. That’s not right. That’s why we work hard for our clients.

Car wreck needing a - Personal injury attorney Houston Texas
Auto accident needing a - Personal injury lawyers Houston TX
Auto accident needing a lawyer - Personal injury attorneys Houston Texas
Auto wreck needing an attorney - Personal injury attorneys Houston TX

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Insurance companies do not work for and in many cases, that means insurance companies will do whatever they can to pay injury victims as little money as possible for their personal injuries.

Whether you hire our firm, a Galveston accident attorney, or a Texas workplace injury lawyer, you should have your own legal professional working just for you. Your attorney is not focused on stockholders. A good, honest, hard-working personal injury lawyer has one main goal: getting you money you deserve to cover the real cost of your accident. Auto accidents, truck accidents, construction accidents – you name it; a personal injury lawyer can help you if you were injured in an accident.

You might think you don’t have to rush into hiring a Houston accident attorney to handle your case. You might think you can take your time to decide whether to take legal action. The sooner you contact us, the better your chances for winning your case. Memories fade. And by law, you only have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit or take legal action. Once this time period known as the “statute of limitations” expires, you may not be able to obtain financial compensation.

Personal injury attorneys Houston Texas cases can be complicated. Laws change constantly. Evidence can be hard to find. Because of the complex nature of accidents involving negligence, it’s critical you have an experienced, knowledgeable injury law firm in Galveston, Houston or elsewhere in the Lone Star State. You need a legal professional who will dig deep to find the information you need to build a strong case. Attorney Gene S. Hagood is an attorney with decades of experience. He knows where to find it. He knows how obtain compensation and closure for clients. He gets the job done.

Hagood & Neumann has a renowned reputation throughout Texas for getting results. Our firm’s reputation is based on its track record of experience for obtaining large, sometimes multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients. But it’s not just about the money. It’s about holding people accountable for their actions, and making sure others aren’t harmed again. That’s what drives Hagood & Neumann. That’s what drives them. Your case matters to them.

Personal injury lawyer

Sequester impact on Massachusetts workers could be devastating


In Massachusetts, there are many laws in place intended to protect workers. Some of those laws exist at the state level and others exist at the federal level. Many of the laws are enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 

Unfortunately, Massachusetts workers could find themselves facing greater risk of work injuries in upcoming months. This is because of the impact of something called the “sequester.” Our Fall River, MA work injury lawyers know that any work accident can have a devastating impact on a person’s earning potential, health and life. We urge all workers to be aware of the new potential risks that they may face.

The Sequester and MA Work Injuries

The “sequester” is a term that refers to $85 billion in cuts to the federal budget that went into effect on March 1, 2013. The cuts were arbitrary cuts to both domestic programs and to the military. They were never intended to actually go into effect, but instead were part of a game of political brinksmanship that America lost.

The cuts were put into place and set to trigger automatically if Democrats and Republicans were unable to agree on a deal to cut spending. They were intended to be so onerous that neither side would let them go into effect. However, the parties could not agree and the sequester cuts were triggered. Now, workers in Falls River, MA and throughout the state of Massachusetts could pay the price.

Departments have used the cuts as an excuse to make voters as miserable as possible, and everything from TSA agents and air traffic control towers to funding cuts at the National Weather Service have already been announced.

The sequester cuts may affect workplace safety because:

  • Federal employers may need to furlough employees, both in military positions and in civilian positions. Furloughed employees means that workplaces may be left shorthanded, which increases the chances of workers getting hurt. This is especially true if workers are trying to fill in for their furloughed coworkers and do jobs they normally don’t.
  • OSHA inspectors are being furloughed, and fewer workplace inspections will occur. According to the National Safety Council, the number of inspections may decrease dramatically and as many as 1,200 possibly dangerous worksites will go without being inspected. Without proper oversight, employers lose incentive to follow safety rules and workers on dangerous worksites don’t get relief from OSHA inspectors that could improve their conditions.
  • Employers who are hurt by the economic implications of sequester may try to reduce their budgets by becoming more lax in obeying safety rules. Sequester is expected to result in slower economic growth so even employers not affiliated with the federal government may be forced to cut back. Some employers could chose to do this in a way that hurts their workers.
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Accidents In Winter Snowmobile Accidents End up in Injury, Death, Lawsuits


Snowmobile Accidents End up in Injury, Death, Lawsuits

Maybe it’s because snowmobiles are also known as recreational vehicles. Whatever the reason, some snowmobile operators don’t take their responsibilities seriously as they mount their sleds to take a ride, leading all too often to serious injuries, fatalities and accident lawsuits in Maine courts over their reckless behavior.

Experienced accident lawyers say they see many parallels between snowmobile accidents around the state’s 13,000 miles of signed trails and highway crashes involving automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles.

One of the most common factors in various motor vehicle accident lawsuits is a driver’s unreasonable rate of speed. Just like with lots of motorcyclists, many Maine snowmobile drivers feel they need to feed their “need for speed” See : accident lawyer – the sensation of that wind whipping over them. But the circumstances of riding a snowmobile – speeding along a slippery surface of snow or ice with limited braking ability – call for extreme caution. The failure to use common sense and exercise defensive driving skills can turn even a routine ride on the trails into a high-speed trip to a court date with a Maine snowmobile accident attorney.

Similarly, Maine snowmobile accident lawsuits often follow crashes involving a drunk driver whose careless behavior is responsible for life-changing injuries or fatalities. The blood-alcohol limit for a snowmobile driver, like other motorists, is .08. Within the carefree playing field of snowmobiling, a lot of people belong to clubs that organize group trips with rest stops at local bars. A cocktail or two at each and every stop impairs judgment and slows the response time of even experienced snowmobile operators. Riding in a team with riders who drink also poses dangers, including raising the odds of crashing with an impaired driver and raising the possibility of injuries whilst getting caught up in mimicking their high-speed, careless behavior.

An added danger cited by Maine accident lawyers is the fact that consuming alcohol accelerates a drop in the body’s temperature. Alongside the frigid outdoor environment, the operator runs the risk of hypothermia, which also impairs a driver’s judgment.

Poor judgment extends beyond driving behavior, Maine snowmobile accident attorneys note. Every winter, lives are lost and snowmobile accident lawsuits are filed when operators foolishly disregard the which can also traveling across ice. The thickness and strength of ice can differ widely on rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. Snow often serves as a blanket that hinders the formation of thick, strong ice. Even a well-worn trail across water can create the misguided impression of safety if previous travelers have weakened the ice.

A Maine snowmobile accident lawyer is aware that responsible operators can protect themselves, their passengers and innocent bystanders by following a few simple rules. Safety equipment, including a helmet with a visor or a set of protective goggles, along with layers of water-repellent clothing, is a necessity. Carry a first-aid kid including a flashlight, knife, compass, map and waterproof matches.

And don’t, Maine attorneys say, travel alone. Not much is more dangerous to the life and health of a snowmobiler than being injured without fellow riders around to provide or seek help.

When someone injured or lost a loved one due to a snowmobile driver who ignores good judgment when operating a 500-pound machine, they should find a Maine snowmobile accident lawyer possessing experience with protecting their proper rights and pursuing fair financial compensation.

Slocumb Videos Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Chicago, il, Washington Dc, Alabama and Atlanta


Brain Injury Attorney : Medical Malpractice Lawyer Serving Chicago, Washington DC, Alabama,Georgia

Brain Injury Attorneys Alabama

Video Transcript:
Severe traumatic brain injuries require an experienced attorney, an attorney who understands not just the judicial system but the mechanisms of the brain, how the brain works. You have to understand the medical terminology. You have to understand the interplay between psychology in the brain. You have to understand what the long term outcome will be for a patient who has suffered a severe traumatic brain injury.

At the Mike Slocumb Law Firm we have years of experience handling traumatic brain injuries. Because a traumatic brain injury case is unlike any other personal injury case that you could suffer. You can’t see the brain, you can’t feel the brain, what you have to do in a traumatic brain injury case is explain the brain. Unless you have an attorney who has an experienced background handling a brain injury case who understands the medical terminology, who understands how the brain works and who can communicate with your medical professionals that are handling your care, that attorney cannot possibly understand the damages that you’re entitled to recover.

I want to give you an example. Ten months ago we were hired by a client who had suffered a traumatic brain injury. She had been in the hospital for just over a month and she was discharged. The family contacted my firm, we meet with the client and within four days we filed a lawsuit. In this particular case, because my client had a traumatic brain injury, she was incapacitated and a guardian had to be appointed on her behalf.

And so we had her son appointed as the guardian. Ten months after litigating the case, a daughter of our client appears with her attorney. This daughter says, I should be the guardian in this case. As grounds for why this particular daughter would be the better guardian her attorney who handled criminal matters, not personal injury matters, said that the way that our law firm had prosecuted this case was not the correct way to prosecute the case.

One of the arguments that he made was that we filed the lawsuit too soon. so I asked him, why did we file this lawsuit too soon? He said “well you don’t even know what your clients damages are.” I looked at him, I said “I don’t need to know any more then that my client has lost ten percent of her brain volume to know that she has a permanent traumatic brain injury that is not ever going to heal.” The other thing he says, “well, how could you possibly have investigated this accident before you filed the lawsuit?” Filing the lawsuit is exactly what you want to do in order to investigate the accident.

The sooner you file the lawsuit, the sooner you can begin investigating the accident. If you wait to file a lawsuit, many times what we find is an insurance company or a corporate defendant will destroy evidence, they’ll tamper with evidence, evidence will come up missing and so you want to file a lawsuit as quickly as possible in a severe injury case. In order to immediately preserve that evidence.

One week later we settled the case for two million dollars. Now if we had done what this other lawyer had suggested, we would have still been waiting for our client to heal from her traumatic brain injury, which is not going to happen. And we would still be waiting on the investigation to be completed.

Mike Slocumb Law Firm

Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer or attorney Knoxville Tennessee : Accidents Require Skilled Advocacy in Tn


Medical Malpractice Lawyer Knoxville Tennessee : Victims Need a Determined Personal Injury Lawyer

Medical Malpractice Lawyer Knoxville Tennessee

Medical malpractice victim, don’t be intimidated. Call (877) 496-6580 for the Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III.

Medical malpractice victims often stay silent, but don’t do it. If you think you may be a medical malpractice victim, for any reason, don’t be intimidated by huge corporate hospital officials or doctors who might take offense at your questions. It is your life at stake. Call the Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III today, at (877)496-6560 or contact us online for a free consultation. You deserve justice and help you go after it.

My name is Turner Howard, I’m an attorney in Knoxville Tennessee. And let me share with you a case that we had early on in our practice. It’s a medical malpractice case. And it’s a sad case, but it’s a case where we pushed forward very hard to make sure that the surviving family got a good and fair resolution to their case.

It turns out that a woman, mother of two daughters who had been a life long nurse and a life long smoker presents to her primary care provider for a routine checkup. He takes x-rays and notices on one of the x-rays a spot in her lung that was suspicious. He unfortunately forgets about that. Places the x-rays back in her chart and some nine or ten month later she calls him back for a revisit and asks him about the x-rays he took some nine or ten months before. At which point he says, opps I forgot about that, come back in right away.

They took more x-rays and this time it was discovered that the spot, the tiny spot some nine or ten months before had spread, was much larger and had spread into her system, though her lymph node system. And then she was basically terminal and she got worse and worse very quickly. Where as before, if they caught it some ten months before she would have been easily healed with the proper techniques. It had now become terminal and her life was going to come to an end.

When the daughters came to use after there mothers had died and consulted with us about what we could do about the matter, we took the case and we did a lot of research on cancer, consulted a lot of experts and then went to work. And flew all over the country taking depositions. We worked very hard on the case because we felt very sorry for not only what their mother had gone though but what the daughters had gone though in watching their mother die in that long painful process.

The bottom line was, in the end we got a very fair and just settlement with quite frankly a whole lot of money for the surviving daughters.

Tennessee Personal Injury Attorney Serving:
Knoxville, Maryville, Crossville, Johnson City, Cleveland, Morristown, Farragut, Elizabethton, Athens, Sevierville