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Do I need a Georgia Lawyer – Social Security Disability Benefits


Good morning!

My law firm handles social security disability claims and Jason Mosteller is the attorney that manages that department for me.

Do I need a Georgia Attorney – Social Security Disability Benefits

I am 55 years old and I have been doing construction work all of my life.

The doctor fused a couple of my vertebrae in my lower back.
Now the pain has become unbearable and I can no longer work.
I’ve applied for social security disability and was just denied.


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Jason: I’m sorry to hear about his situation. I would highly recommend he contact an attorney to help him with his claim. The application for social security disability is a complicated process, especially if you have been denied benefits.
Gary: Well let’s talk about the process. I know the social security administration has a 5 step process they follow to determine if a person is disabled and eligible for disability benefits.
I’d like for us to go over the 5 steps now for our viewers.

The social security administration wants to know if you are working. Explain that for us.
Jason: They will look to see if you engaged in “Substantial Gainful Activity” – which means did you work and earn more than $1,040.00 per month in 2013, then you are not eligible to receive social security disability payments.
Gary: Step # 2:

Jason: The applicant’s condition must interfere with the person’s ability to do their job for it to be considered “severe”. The condition must prevent you from working for at least 12 months. If it is, then we go to the next step.

Is your condition listed in the Social Security Administration’s list of disabling conditions?

Let’s talk about the list for adults.

Is the applicant able to perform the same work they did in their past?
Tell us about this step.
Jason: If the claims examiner at the social security administration believes that the applicant is able to do the same kind of work they have done in the past, then they will deny their claim for benefits.

Is the applicant able to do any other work?
So if you can’t do the same kind of work you did in your past, the examiner wants to find out if you can do any kind of work? Explain that for us.
Jason: The claims examiner will look at your application. They review your medical condition, your age, what job skills you may have, and your educational background. Then they look to see if they believe you are capable of doing other types of work in the economy. If so, they will deny your claim.

Gary: What happens if your case falls in the 72% category – where your initial application is denied by the social security administration?

Gary: When should a person get an attorney involved in the social security process?
Jason: In my opinion, from the very beginning. We assist our clients in the initial application in hope of giving them the greatest chance of being declared disabled sooner in the process.

But please – make sure you speak with an attorney that is a specialist in this area of the social security law.
You have absolutely nothing to lose by calling a lawyer, but think of all you can lose if you don’t!

Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our intake specialists are standing by right now to speak with you.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

Social Security Attorneys

Auto Accident Lawyer Directory


If you’ve been injured in a car accident then let us help you get the representation you need. Below is a national directory of lawyers that may be able to help. Getting hurt is a serious matter and has serious legal implications and long term suffering. Finding an attorney can be as simple as calling someone up in your area. Check the list below to find lawyers near you.

Car accidents happen when you least expect them, you need vetted lawyers with experience. We help by selecting law firms that have a history of helping people get justice after an accident. When you are injured you need a lawyer who knows how to deal with the kind of medical bills that come from a serious injury. When you are injured money is tight, you need a law firm that offers a free consulation who can tell you what needs to happen to win your case and get your life back on track.

If a driver hurt you and the at fault party has no insurance, you still may be able to get compensation after the accident. An experienced law firm can help prove who is at fault. An MIT study recently studied more than 108 drivers and showed that approximately half of the drivers admitted to often using their cellphones while they were driving. Sometimes there is evidence of this that comes up in court cases. Truck driver accidents may also have clues about their reckless driving in the black box of their truck. Your insurance company may not tell you these things. So it’s important to contact a lawyer to find out if your case needs further investigation.

Directory of Lawyers

Legal Resources KY
Robert Shelton
Shelton Law Group
9300 Shelbyville Road, Ste. 215C

Louisville, Ky, 40222



Legal Resources Ware

Mark Salomone
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
52 Main Street

Ware, MA, 01082


Legal Resources Burlington

Mark Salomone
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
15 New England Executive Park

Burlington, MA, 01803


Legal Resources Northampton

Mark Salomone
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
355 Bridge St.

Northampton, MA, 01060



Personal Injury Lawyers

Do I need an Attorney – Tractor Trailer Accident in Georgia


SEGMENT: Tractor Trailer Wrecks
You are watching “Do I Need A Lawyer?” and I thank you for joining us.

My dad was driving on the interstate and a guy driving a tractor trailer
hit the rear of my dad’s car.

But let me start off by saying the men and women that are out there driving tractor trailers are extremely important to our economy.
Most are very conscientious professionals.

Unfortunately, not ALL of them perform that way ALL of the time.
Some people refer to Tractor Trailers as

And for good reason . . .
As large as these trucks are, even a relatively low impact collision can often lead to serious injuries or even death.

Do I need a Lawyer – Truck Accident in Georgia

So getting back to your question:

Our Videos

Let me give you an example:
Federal law requires Truck drivers to keep a log of their hours.

or that he suffered from driver fatigue because of the number of hours he spent on the road.
And how long are truck driver’s required to keep their driver’s logs?
Federal regulations only require the truck driver’s to keep these logs for six months unless an attorney takes action to secure them.
So if we are hired, we immediately send the trucking company and their insurance company a letter telling them they can’t destroy the driver’s logs as this is important evidence for our client’s claim.
Now let me give you some other factors we investigate when taking on the trucking companies.
We look to see how well the tractor and the trailer are maintained.
Federal law requires these companies to keep their equipment in proper working order AND to keep records regarding this maintenance.

Keep in mind: in order to drive these big trucks, the drivers must have a commercial driver’s license.

(1) Drive with caution around trucks on the road.
Remember they cannot stop on a dime so don’t pull in front of one and assume they can safely stop in time.
(2) Stay visible to the truck driver.
If you can’t see the driver’s mirrors, chances are he can’t see you.

It is a BAD idea to try and take on the trucking company, their insurance company, and their lawyers by yourself.
If you or a loved one has been injured because of a distracted driver, Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our legal professionals are standing by right now to speak with you.

And I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.
You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

Truck Accident Lawyers

Three Things You Have to Prove in a PI Case


What are the 3 things YOU must prove in your personal injury claim?

Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for joining us!

If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

3 Things You Have to Prove in a PI Case

The call is completely confidential, there is no obligation, and the consultation is free.


Our Firm
Gary: My wife and I were hurt in a car accident about a month ago. We were not at fault. I am ok but my wife is not. The other driver slammed into the passenger side door where she was riding. She is still treating with the doctor. We are already getting a lot of medical bills in the mail. If we hire a lawyer, what do we have to prove to be able to recover from the driver’s insurance company?
Our staff of legal professionals are standing by right now to take your information.
The call is completely confidential, there is no obligation, and the consultation is free.

Now let’s go to the next question from one of our viewers.
Jeff in Decatur
Gary: My wife and I were hurt in a car accident about a month ago. We were not at fault. The other driver slammed into the passenger side door where she was riding. She is still treating with the doctor. If we hire a lawyer, what do we have to prove to be able to recover from the driver’s insurance company?
Thanks for the question though I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s injuries and the wreck.
There are several things we have to prove in these personal injury claims:
* Someone was negligent in causing the wreck (besides our client);
* This person’s negligence was the proximate cause of our client’s injuries;
* We have to prove the damages our client sustained in the wreck.

Other examples include:
Following too closely
Driver distractions due to using a cell phone or adjusting the radio

Driver fatigue because they drove their tractor trailer more than Federal law allows
Proximate Cause:
Once we prove the other driver was negligent, then we must show that this negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries.
Here is an example:

The Defendant’s negligence was the proximate cause of the wreck and your injuries.
Here is another example:
You have a green light allowing you to proceed straight through the intersection.
The Defendant is traveling in the opposite direction.
He does not see you and he attempts to turn left in front of your car and crashes into your vehicle. You sustain a broken arm and leg in the crash.
His failure to yield while turning left is the proximate cause of the collision and your injuries.
(3) Damages:

Damages could include compensation for:
Medical bills, including:

-medical doctors and specialists

-physical therapy

Lost wages:

It can be very problematic, however, if someone misses time from work but is paid “under the table” and there is no record on the books. It gets even messier when there is no mention of this work on the tax returns.
Transportation costs
You would not have to be driving around from doctor’s appointments to physical therapy to the pharmacy to get your prescriptions filled if the Defendant had not caused the wreck.

Parking in some of the private lots can also add up.
Keep track of your round trip mileage to these appointments and save those parking receipts!

The key component to making a claim for these future medical expenses is to get a doctor’s narrative addressing the medical needs, why they are necessary, how they were caused by the wreck, and the costs of the procedure(s).
FUTURE lost wages
The standard for proving future lost wages is simple, yet can sometimes be a difficult hurdle to overcome.
The way a jury measures future lost income is for them to determine what the plaintiff would otherwise have earned in his job or profession but for the injury.

Punitive damages:
Sometimes the defendant’s conduct in causing the wreck or his actions immediately after the wreck are so egregious that the law allows us to seek additional damages known as punitive damages.
The purpose of punitive damages is to punish, penalize, or deter the Defendant from repeating the conduct.
For example, punitive damages can be sought in wrecks where:
– The Defendant causes a wreck and attempts to flee or does flee the scene of the collision.

General damages are designed to compensate an injured victim for losses such as pain and suffering, emotional suffering, hardship, or inconvenience.
These damages are hard to quantify for everyone and are highly subjective, so the law instructs the judge or jury to assign these damages on an individual basis.

There is an old saying that “[T]he easiest pain to bear is someone else’s.”
There is a lot of truth to that statement.

This is clearly one of those areas where an experienced personal injury attorney can help argue the specifics of your case to the insurance adjuster.
Now – if you have questions about a potential claim, please give us a call.
If not us, please call someone – but call an attorney that specializes in personal injury law.
You have absolutely nothing to lose by calling a lawyer, but think of all you can lose if you don’t!
If you would like to speak with my law firm about your claim, we make it easy for you.
Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our intake specialists are standing by right now to speak with you.

And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Personal Injury Law

What to do if you are Hurt in a Car Accident


Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for joining us!

Do’s and Don’ts if you are Hurt in a Car Accident in Georgia

If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.


“Hi Gary –
This is different kind of question and I hope you can help. Our daughter just turned 16 and recently passed her driving test to get her license. I really want to be proactive in working with her on various things about the car. I’ve taught her how to check the oil level in the car, check the tire pressure, and she even knows how to change a tire if she were to ever get a flat.
But here is my concern. Of course I never want her to be in a wreck. I had her go through a defensive driving course too. I just want to make sure she will know what to do if she is ever in a wreck.
Can you give me a list of Do’s and Don’ts I can share with her?

Rodney – thanks for the question and that is a great one!
First of all, let me commend you for being so proactive in working with your daughter.
Let me give you some statistics about wrecks involving young, inexperienced drivers:

* In 2005, there were 3,374 drivers between the ages of 16-20 that were killed in car wrecks.
* In the U.S., the risk of a teen driver between the ages of 16-19 being involved in a car wreck is 4 times higher than that for older drivers.
* Out of every 100 teen drivers on the road:

* 28 will be involved in accidents.
* 13 will be injured in automobile accidents.
* 4 will be ticketed for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and
* 1 will be killed in a car crash.

There was a report that came out in September 2006 by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety that discussed the drivers’ education programs in schools. The report suggested that the education does not adequately make our students safer drivers. The way for us to lower the risks of teens being involved in crashes is to:

So getting back to Rodney’s question – I applaud you for being so actively involved in training your daughter to drive!


-Make, model, color and year of the vehicle
-License plate

* If you have a smart phone or camera, take pictures at the scene if possible.

* Don’t panic, but remain calm as best as possible. This is especially important if you or others at the scene are injured.

* Don’t accept blame for the wreck unless you have an opportunity to discuss the facts of the wreck with your attorney.

* DO NOT – DO NOT – accept any quick settlement offer from any insurance company.
You really need to the extent and severity of your injuries before you ever consider settling your claim.
Insurance companies are out there with these fast response vehicles.
They send them to the scene of the wreck if they can get there on time, or to your house right after the wreck.

What can you do now?

* Don’t Wait!
If you are hurt in a car wreck, call a lawyer right away!

If you have been hurt in a wreck and you don’t hire an attorney, you are letting the insurance company hang onto YOUR money. Plain and simple.
That money could be used to take care of your future medical needs or to help you catch up on your bills.
Please – you owe it to yourself to call a lawyer to discuss the facts of your specific claim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a wreck, I encourage you to talk with a lawyer.
Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

Georgia Car Wreck Attorney

Auto Wrecks – Punitive Damages


Welcome Back to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for starting your day with us here on the CW Network.

Car Accidents – Punitive Damages

That way I’m just one touch away if you need me.

Gary – Let me tell you about something that happened to my wife last week. And I have to admit, I am really mad about this.
My wife had just picked up our oldest daughter from a friend’s home where they were working on a project for school. They were at the stop sign about to exit the subdivision when a driver lost control of his car when he tried to turn into the subdivision. He apparently was going too fast when he realized he was about to miss his turn.

What angers me is the driver that hit my wife and daughter was drunk. The officer told us this was that man’s second DUI in the last 3 years.
How can we teach this man a lesson – that you don’t drink and drive? He could have killed my wife and daughter? And do we need a lawyer? -Mason in Forest Park

Let me bring in Philip Milam, the managing attorney for our personal injury department, to discuss the legal aspects of your case.
Philip, thanks for being here.

Gary: Philip, you are right!

I co-authored a chapter about this very subject in the best-selling book “Consumer’s Advocate” entitled “The Mourning After: Helping Families Cope After A Drunk Driving Wreck.”
12 oz. of beer = 5 oz. of wine = 1.5 oz. of liquor
-All these drinks contain the same amount of alcohol

The average person metabolizes alcohol at the rate of about one drink per hour.
Philip: Gary, let me give you and our viewers some more sobering statistics:

* Almost every 90 seconds, a drunk driver injures a victim in a car crash.

Gary: That is hard to imagine. 1 in 3 will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime.

Philip: Yes, I highly recommend him getting a lawyer right away.
And the two words I’d tell him we would go after – Compensation and Punishment.
Gary: Explain what you mean by compensation and punishment.
Philip: By compensation, we would pursue damages against the defendant to compensate Mason’s wife and his daughter for the following:
* Their injuries
* Their medical expenses
* Prescription charges
* Any lost wages

Gary: Now let’s talk about punishment.
Philip: Ok, but let’s break this up into two areas – criminal and civil.
The district attorney or the solicitor will be pursuing the criminal charges against the defendant for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Certainly, we will cooperate with them in the investigation and assist in any way we can.

We will go after the Defendant driver for punitive damages.
Gary: And what are “punitive damages”?
Because the defendant caused the wreck while driving under the influence of alcohol, Georgia law allows us to seek punitive damages.
Gary: Philip, we are heading into a break.
When we come back, I’d like for you and I to talk more about Mason’s question.

Can you hang in there for a couple of moments?
Philip: I’d be happy to hang around.
Our legal professionals are standing by right now to take your call.

If you would like to speak with my law firm about your claim, we make it easy for you.

And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Car Accident Injury Law

Personal Injury Lawyer – Austin Texas Law Firm


Our law Firm provides a powerful combination for clients seeking exceptional legal services in Texas. Our defense lawyers have successfully defended lawyers, doctors and other professionals facing issues that threaten their professional licenses. We have a strong track record for serving families in crisis situations. Our probate lawyers in Austin, TX work to protect assets and estates. We’re also a personal injury law firm. Whatever legal situation you’re dealing with, we can help.

Personal Injury Law Firm – Austin Law

You might think you don’t need a lawyer. A drunk driver may have caused a car accident. Someone admitted they caused your accident and accepts full responsibility. Often, what appear to be clear-cut legal matters turn out to be much more complicated. Contact our law offices today.

You might think you can handle the insurance company without the help of a lawyer. Perhaps your accident or legal issue seems straightforward. Don’t be so sure that you can get justice on your own. People change their stories.

Right now might feel like the wrong time to contact a lawyer about your personal injury accident. You might simply want to take time to recover. But the truth is the longer you wait to take legal action, the harder it is sometimes to get the compensation you rightfully deserve. Memories fade. Evidence disappears. Take action now. And don’t worry about the details. That’s our job. We can take The accomplished attorneys at Bertolino LLP give honest answers to difficult questions. We think differently. We believe hard work and honesty pay dividends. That’s why we work so diligently on each case. The more prepared you are, the greater the opportunity for success.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Have questions? We can help. Bertolino Law Firm – Divorce Lawyer Austin TX


Count on us to make things right. Contact Bertolino – Divorce Lawyer Austin TX

Specific Texas laws exist dictating the determination of spousal maintenance, a legal term often used to refer to alimony in some states. In Texas, there is no right to permanent spousal maintenance and courts cannot require it for more than three years. Also, Texas spousal maintenance is not permitted to be part of the divorce settlement unless you have been married for at least ten years. In terms of asking for some support during the divorce process, Texas courts are more flexible. This is known as temporary spousal maintenance and will often be determined based on need and the other spouse’s ability to pay.

During such negotiations, it’s critical to have an experienced, knowledgeable divorce lawyer on your side familiar with decisions concerning property and other assets. You need to make sure all of these important issues that involve money are being considered with the divorce taxation implications in mind. You do not want to discover that the IRS is going to challenge your claim of spousal support because the payment looks like it was intended for a different purpose or because the payment made was more than what seems reasonable.

To achieve these goals, our lawyers get to know each client as individuals and work to determine the best solution for you, taking into consideration issues of tax credits, deductions, exemptions, and other details that you may overlook while struggling with the difficult emotions of a divorce.

The Divorce Process – An Experienced San Antonio Texas Lawyer

The divorce process, depending on the type of divorce it can often be very complex. But for the purposes of this video, I\’m going to touch on the high points of the divorce process in the state of Texas. For the most part a divorce begins from the moment you file a divorce petition and that\’s what opens up the divorce process itself. Filing a divorce petition, serving on the responding spouse, and then waiting for the responding spouse to file a written answer in open court. Once that divorce petition is filed, the responding spouse has more or less twenty days to file a written answer or response to that divorce petition. And as soon as that written answer is filed then the parties begin getting together scheduling a temporary order hearing. And that is to temporarily set what the child conservatorship issues are going to be any child support that will be paid if any and who will ultimately live in the residential home or the marriage home.

Top-notch legal advice from an experienced divorce lawyer Austin TX

Divorce often involves a wide range of factors. That’s why it’s critical you have someone on your side who knows how to deal with issues like divorce taxation, child custody, alimony and spousal maintenance. At Bertolino LLP, we work tirelessly to build strong cases for clients and address all their needs. Your case matters here.

Have questions? We can help. Bertolino Law Firm – Divorce Lawyer Austin TX

There are several important areas of your tax law that must be considered when going through a divorce. You need to think about how tax deductions will be apportioned if there are children involved. If you are liquidating any assets to pay for alimony or division of property, are you aware of the related tax implications? There may be outstanding tax liabilities or refunds shared by both partners. In each case, decisions must be made concerning how to handle that money. Even spousal maintenance and child support can have an impact on how you file your taxes and the guidelines you will be expected to follow.

An experienced, detail-oriented family lawyer at the Bertolino Law Firm can help you decide how to deal with each one of these financial matters. We can explain to you the implications of different decisions and work with you to preserve your assets. During a divorce, the last thing you need is a phone call or letter from the IRS accusing you of reporting your taxes in a dishonest or incomplete way. Rely on us – the Bertolino Law Firm – Divorce Lawyer Austin TX.

Divorce Lawyer

Video Of Happy Customer Accident Lawyer Lousville


Accident Lawyer Lousville

“I am a Board certified senior pediatric cardiologist in Kentucky who had a greatful experience with Mr. Rob Shelton. I was involved in a high-profile federal case as the plaintiff and Mr.Shelton was my lawyer. Previous to filing I had being involved with a reputable national law firm at a great financial expense to me. It was a senior partner of the law firm who recommended Mr.Shelton and, after meeting with him I decided to hire Rob to defend me. The case involved two large organizations as defendants so I knew that it would be a difficult road to travel.
I was able to witness how passionate and professional is Mr.Shelton. He took the time to listen to me first before finalizing a strategic action plan. And it worked. After a reasonable amount of time, we were able to negotiate a settlement with the defendants. There was no need for formal mediation as the negotiations were carried in a very respectful way. Mr. Shelton was stern when he had to be and yet flexible if necessary to reach our goal, a reasonable settlement with the other parties involved. It was amazing how Mr. Shelton debated with several other highly-respected lawyers to counter attack their claims, yet keeping his temper atuned to the situation.
I would hire Mr.Shelton at any time although I hope that this would not be necessary.”
Juan Villafane

Injured In A Car Accident- Why You Should Contact A Lawyer Louisville KY Lawyer


You want the best lawyer. Often times, people believe that the better a lawyer is, the more he or she is going to cost. It might be true in the most egregious cases, but the reality is that it is possible to find a good lawyer even if you are not made of money. Keep reading to learn more about lawyers and how to find a qualified professional to help you.

Have you or a loved one been injured by a defective product? Call a Louisville Kentucky attorney. 888-761-7204…

If you are suffering from an injury due to someone elses negligence and don’t know where to turn. Attorney Rob Shelton and the Shelton Law Group can help. At the Shelton Law Group we handle all types of product liability cases including manufacturing and design defects. Negligence and breach of warranty. Defective vehicles and parts, unsafe foods, dangerous toys or dangerous drugs and defective medical devices.

According to the US consumer product safety commission, almost 30 million people suffer personal injuries each year as a result of dangerous or defective products. Product liability laws allow victims of defective products to sue manufacturers, distributors and vendors for compensation…

Shelton Law Group
9300 Shelbyville Road, Ste. 215C
Louisville, KY 40222
Phone: 502-409-6460
Toll-Free: 888-761-7204

Don’t choose the very first lawyer you find. Make sure you do your research wisely, as failure to do so may have steep consequences for you! Therefore, make sure you ask other people and discover all you can on your potential lawyers.

If you are approached by a lawyer, do not hire them. This is common practice among scammers and unscrupulous legal types; it is often seen when there is a large cash settlement up for grabs. It is best to stay away from these lawyers and find a professional who does not need to reach out to potential clients.

When you are in a real estate legal situation like selling or buying a home, or even being sued about a place you rent or sold, hire a real estate lawyer. This ensures that the case is dealt with quickly and more likely in your favor, ensuring the best outcome possible.

Make sure your attorney has won a fair number of cases like yours. There is no guarantee that your lawyer will be able to make all of your problems disappear. If your lawyer is not willing to provide you with information on their past cases, then you should think about hiring a different lawyer for your situation.

Understand your spending limits. It is important to consider what you could lose if you do not win before the case even gets filed in court. Always request a written estimate of costs, fees and hourly rates. You should also talk to potential lawyers face to face about how much you can afford and what you want to accomplish. Understand that things may cost more than you initially thought.

Don’t be afraid to ask your lawyer anything. A good attorney keeps his client informed. If your lawyer fails to explain things thoroughly and clearly, then you probably need to hire another one.

Make sure agreements about the fees are signed before you start working together. For starters, this is beneficial as you do not have to worry about the financial part of your case and focus on the case itself. In addition, it will give you a chance to organize your finances.

It is important for you to have a good relationship with your attorney. Do not expect to develop a good relationship if your lawyer does not really make you feel comfortable. You should trust yourself and choose a lawyer that has a personality similar to your own.

Ask your lawyer for a referral to a specialist who can properly handle your case. Each lawyer has a particular specialty and you can get great advice from your general lawyer. A lawyer that you have a long-standing relationship with is much more likely to carefully consider the best person for you.

Prepare yourself before meeting with your lawyer. Most lawyers will charge you an hourly fee. Any time you’re searching for paperwork, ask for advice, or need to call back for asking questions, you’ll be charged. If you have all the information you need at the meeting, you are going to be able to resolve your issues at once and pay less too.

You should now be more knowledgeable about how to locate a good lawyer for your case. Use all you have learned to get out there and find a lawyer who will lead you to victory. Hiring an attorney is an important decision that should not be taken lightly.