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Injured by a texting driver in Atlanta, Ga? We can help!


Georgia is one of 34 states nationwide that bans people from texting while driving. Distracted driving kills and injuries thousands of people nationwide every year. Even so, many people continue to text and drive because they think they can do both safely at the same time. Think again. A recent study revealed some startling information about the effects of texting on a driver’s reaction time. According to the study, drivers react twice as slow while texting.

What would you do if you were injured by a texting driver in Georgia? You need a determined personal injury lawyer on your side. You need the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates. Serving clients in Atlanta and throughout Georgia, our experienced distracted driving attorneys in Atlanta, GA take great pride in working on behalf of clients every day. We work tirelessly with one goal in mind: to get accident victims the compensation they rightfully deserve. Serious accidents demand serious attention. Contact an auto accident attorney in Georgia who will put your interests first. Contact the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates.

Results from the recent scientific study conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute revealed some shocking information. Using a closed road, the scientific test involved drivers attempting to read or write a text message while driving on an open road and a section of roadway lined with construction barrels. Throughout the test, drivers who were texting reacted much slower than the test subjects who were not texting. “It is frightening,” the researchers wrote, “to think of how much more poorly our participants may have performed if the driving conditions were more consistent with routine driving.”

Texting accidents happen fast on Georgia’s roads and highways. Don’t suffer in silence. If you’ve been injured in an accident, take action. Contact a Georgia accident attorney who will fight for your rights. Contact the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates. We’re on your side.


Atlanta Office
3098 Breckinridge Blvd.
Duluth, Georgia 30096
678.389.3154 Office
770.934.1631 Fax

Athens Office
3810A Atlanta Highway
Bogart, Georgia 30622
678.389.3154 Office
706.543.7600 Fax

Legal News Detroit, Michigan Dog Bite Injuries Can Include Dog Bite Fatalities


We’ve all been there. Strolling down the road, enjoying a nice afternoon when a dog suddenly comes running down the sidewalk toward us, barking and angry. Or during a bike ride, a dog lunges out from behind a car, snarling and nipping at our heels. Runners encounter dogs all the time, and though most situations don’t become a case of dog bite injuries, some do and every year, in fact, dog bite occur.

The statistics are surprising and, considering that there are dogs in every neighborhood across the country, they’re downright scary as well. In 2010 there were 34 dog attack fatalities and there are over 350,000 dog bite victims each year, with approximately 800,000 requiring some type of medical attention. According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 2001 and 2003 there were 4.5 million dog bite victims per year.

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Attorney News New Laws on Texting While Driving Will Likely Affect West Virginia


It used to be that applying make-up or slurping coffee from a commuter mug were most common reasons drivers got distracted while behind the wheel. Now, with the number of car accidents going up every year, there is a far more deadly reason people are being distracted: Driving While Texting.

The state of being distracted by texting even has a name: “Intextication”, which can produce the same erratic driving maneuvers that alcohol causes. Some research shows that drunk drivers actual handle their cars more safely than those who are sober but texting. Texting accidents and injuries are on the rise and laws are changing because of it.

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Getting the best social security attorneys Helps An Action


The work of the disability lawyers would only be to ensure that you do get your due from the negligent party, When you do go for the social security disabilities lawyers than you should know that they cannot guarantee that you would be getting the benefits but they would help you to make an able case in front of the government body, which would ensure that you do not have to struggle like you happen doing now. Many of the people who do employ the services of the disability lawyers have been undergoing a lot of year’s experiences of fighting against the government for the benefits that they should be getting and they have had to undergo a lot of stringent measures to make it to this level. See : disability lawyers in Charlotte NC

There is certainly something bad when you find a person who does not get the representation to get benefits against their disabilities. When you do get a hold of the disability lawyers, then your case can be given the most priority and only then would you be able to get the very best of treatment from them. When you do go for defending your claims, then if you do not have the best of disability lawyers representation, then you can be certain of the fact that you have lost the early initiative and you may now never see the light of any benefits again. See: Social Security lawyer in Bakersfield You may not get a very good payback and the lawyers fees would have to come back from your own pocket. Under such a thing, it would be of an utmost importance, which you go for the best in disability lawyers and only they can help you get the benefits that you would like to see in your kitty for the damage that you have faced in the hands of the society and the God.

Most of the disability lawyers would go about defending you by getting medical records and making sure that they get enough people who have a very good record of medical history. This would go about cementing your place in the records and you would be able to get those elusive benefits that you may have wanted from the government for a very long time. Make sure that you get the very best of disability lawyers so that you do not have to worry about getting any sort of kinks in the armor that you are to portray to the government. You would need to have rock solid claims and makes sure that you have a lawyer that can successfully defend you in the court of law, making it one of the best way s for you to get the decision to go for you. The lawyer that you go for can be compassionate as well as sympathetic in your illness, but he should be menacing enough in the courtroom to ensure that you get the benefits from that moment onwards, making it a very good thing for you under such hardships.

Medical Payments NC North Carolina regards MedPay coverage as supplemental


Often times those injured in a car accident struggle with paying for medical treatment, but are unaware that their own car insurance policy may provide coverage for medical expenses. By the time the injured party calls an attorney there may be large gaps in medical treatment that can significantly damage the case. One way to pay for hospital and doctor bills related to a car accident may be through “Med Pay” See: Medical Payments coverage North Carolina .

Medical Payments coverage, also known as Med Pay, may be used to pay for reasonable expenses incurred for necessary medical and funeral services because of bodily injury caused by an automobile accident.

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Law Wire News Why Are So Many Attorneys Wanna-Be Web Gurus? 2 1 1


Get this: Only about 1 in 20 law firms have their websites professionally managed. The other 95% have a site built, then decide they’ll somehow make it searchable but they have no clue what they’re doing, so their big investment starts collecting cyber dust like a box of brochures on a shelf. See: Seo For Attorneys

I know, I know-your firm doesn’t need site-management help because you’re good with Google, your paralegal made a site for a friend once and your admin likes blogging. Hell, for that matter, why not have your dentist handle depositions and the mailman can take your place in court? Eventually you’ll panic, hire a bunch of piece-meal vendors to try to keep it afloat and then waste time trying to manage them.

If you want high search rankings, you need a proven site-management company with the expertise, dogged mindset and dedicated hours to systematically keep your site in step with Google’s constant algorithm changes. (Admit it-you don’t even know what that means, do you?)
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Law Wire News Car seat safety often ignored in car pools, study finds. NC safe?


Think all North Carolina drivers take every precaution to keep children safe? Think again. A recent national study discovered that parents often don’t use booster seats when carpooling with preschoolers or young school-age children, increasing the risk of serious injury in a crash.

“I think it’s a complex issue of convenience, expectations, and peer pressure,” Michelle Macy, MD, a pediatrician at the University of Michigan, told WebMD in a recent article. North Carolina has tough car safety seat laws aimed at protecting children from being hurt in a car accident. North Carolina requires all children 8 years old and younger ….

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Accident Attorney Gloria Allred accidentally reveals her 380-person press list


From: Gloria Allred
Date: Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: Attorney Gloria Allred and Ginger White (who alleged that she had a thirteen year affair with Herman Cain) to attend Oscar Party together at Beverly Hills Hotel, February 26th, 2012
To: Gloria Allred
Cc: Daily Beast, 48 Hours – Gayan, ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC – Alison Ehrlich, ABC – DC, ABC – Mark Crudele Ch 7, ABC – Sarah Wallace, ABC 7, ABC 7 – Los Angeles, ABC 7 – Vania Stuelp, ABC News – Russell Goldman, Access Hollywod, Access Hollywood, Access Hollywood – NBC Uni – George Larrimore, AFP, AFP – Brigitte Dusseau, AFP International, Al Rantel Show – John Ingles, Aljazeera, AM New York, Anne Alderete, AOL – Christine Weicher, AP, AP, AP, AP, AP – Jonathan Resnick, AP – K Armstrong, AP – Linda Deutsch, AP – Rik Stevens, AP – Washington Bureau – Jill Gillum, AP-Anthony, Associated Press, Atlanta Journal Constitution – Jeremy Redmon, Atlantic Monthly, BBC, BBC – Regan Morris, Bill Beazley, Billy Bush, Bloomberg, Bloomberg News, Bloomberg News, Bloomberg SF, BNO News, Boston Herald, Bunte Magazine, Businessweek – Sheelah Kolhatkar, Buzz Media – Gillian Sheldon, Capitol Public Radio, CBC Toronto, CBS, CBS, CBS – Early Show, CBS – Early Show, CBS – Early Show, CBS -2, CBS Early Show, CBS KCAL Producer, CBS News, CBS News, CBS News – Chris Weicher, CBS2, CBS2 – Chicago – Kristin Hartman, Chris Yandek, Christopher Liss, Citynews, Clear Channel – Rebekah Baker, Clear Channel – Rogbin Bertolucci, CNBC Business, CNN, CNN, CNN – Ann O’Neil, CNN – Jessica Reinis, CNN – Karan Olson, CNN – Kevin Bohn, CNN – LA, CNN Radio – Jim Roope, “ – Matt Mulcahy”, CTV – Canada, CTV – Canada, Daily Beast, Daily Breeze, Daily Express – London, Daily Journal, Daily Mirror – UK, Daily News, Daily News, Dateline – Falguni, David Schumacher, DC Examiner, Derek Boykoff, Dom Giordano Show, “Dr. Phil – Carla Pennington”, Harlan Boll, Steve Delsohn, Tony Coghlan, “Turner, Amy Doyle”, E Entertainment, E News – Ken Baker, E Producer – Steve Forrest, E TV – Jason Kennedy, EFE, Elie News, Ellen Ratner, Entertainment Weekly, EPA, ET – Entertainment Tonight, ET The Insider, EXTRA – Fernita, Extra Tv – Mario Lopez, “Filipski, Scott”, Foresight News – Ed Ware, Fortune Magazine, FOX – Emily Graham, Fox 11, FOX 5, Fox Business, FOX NEWS, Fox News, Fox News, Fox News, Fox News, Fox News – Atlanta – John Roberts, Fox News – Eric Spinato, Fox News – Greta Van Sustren, Fox News – Hollie McKay, FOX News – Kathleen Foster, Fox News – Michael Satsuda, Fox News – Thomas Fox, Fox News Miami, France NPR, Geraldo, Geraldo at Large, Geraldo Live Radio Show – Christina Timothy, Geraldo- Thomas Holmes, Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty Images – Sandy Ciric, Glamour Magazine, GMA, GMA, GMA – Sabina, GMA – Santina Leuci, GMTV, Greta, Greta Van Sustren, Guardian News – Ed Pilkington, Harvey Levin, HLN, HLN, Hollywood Reporter, In Touch, In Touch, In Touch Magazine – Jennifer Finn, In Touch Weekly – Gina Bacciocchi, Inside Edition, Inside Edition, Jack Noyes, James Desborough, John Pascarella – Maury, John Phillips, John Phillips – Jason Rose, John Phillips Show – Jared Hart, John Phillips Show – John Ingles, John Phillips Show – KABC 790 – Nathan Baker, Joy Behar, The Huffington Post – Women’s Page – Marlo Thomas, WFTV, Frank Morano, KABC, KABC, KABC – Leslie Miller, KABC – Radio, Karl Larsen, Katie Spencer, KCAL 9, KCBS, KCBS / KCAL, KCBS-KCAL, KFWB, KFWB 980, KNBC-Desk, KNX/KFWB, KOGO – San Diego, KPCC, KPCC, KRON, KSEE, KTLA – David Begnaud, KTLA – Denver, KTLA – Manny Medrano, KTLA 5, KTTV 11, LA Daily News, LA Daily News – Dana Bartholomew, LA Times, LA Times, LA Times, LA Times, LA Times – Andrew Blankstein, LA Times – James Oliphant, LA Times – Maura Dolan, LA Times – Sports, LA Times – Steve Lopez, LA Weekly, LA Weekly – S Wilson, LAist, Larry King, Laure Winer – NY Times, “Lissette Valdes-Valle (ElMundo)”, Live From Hollywood Radio Show – Candice Helen Hakimfar, LNS – Kris Knutsen, London Mail – Caroline Graham, Long Island Journal, Los Angeles Daily Journal – Brian Sumers, Los Angeles Magazine – Edward Leibowitz, Marc Victor, Mavrix Photo, Mavrix Photo, Mavrix Photo, Max Markson, Metro Network News Wire – Glenn Schuck, Metro Networks, Michael Levine, Molly Lopez, “Moody, Chris”, Morning Show – Victoria Richards, MSNBC, MSNBC – Booking, MSNBC – Gregg Cockrell, MSNBC – Jordan Chariton, Nancy Grace, National Enquirer, National Journal, National Journal – Noreen, National Post, NBC, NBC, NBC – Andrew Dallos, NBC – Carmen Conte-Widman, NBC – Cathernie Corrigan, NBC – Joanne Denyeau, NBC – Luz Villarreal, NBC – Marianne Haggerty, NBC – Ryan Ruggiero, NBC – Sindy Saito, NBC 4 – Kevin LaBeach, NBC Nightly News – Kelly O’Donnell, NBC UNIVERSAL, NBC Universal – Barbara Fant, NBC Universal – Mark Petrovich, New York Magazine, New York News, New York Post – Bruce Golding, New York Times – Dan Frosch, News Day, News Limited – Australia, News of the World, Nightline, Nine Network Australia – Henry Meller, Nine ZNetwork – 60 Minutes, NPR – Karen Grigsby Bates, NPR – Liz Halloran, NPR – Memmott, NPR – Tamara Keith, NPS – National Photo Group, NY Daily News, NY Daily News, NY Daily News – Michael O’Keeffe, NY Post, NY Post, NY Post, NY Post – Campanile, NY Times, NY Times – Ed Wyatt, NY Times – Joyce Wadler, NY Times – Michael Sher, OC Register, OK! Magazine, Oprah, Parade Magazine – Mary Margaret, Pasadena Star News, Pasadena Star News – Brian Charles, Patch – Gina Tenorio, People, People Magazine, Peter Lauria, Popeater- Bryan Alexander, Press Enterprise, Press Telegram, Jennifer Szalai – Elle, Melissa Weisberg, Radar Online, Radar Online – Jen Heger, RedThink Media, “”, Reuters, Reuters – Houston – Chris Baltimore, Reuters – Michelle Nichols, Reuters – Sam Mercovich, Reuters – Steve Holland, Riverside Press Enterprise, Robin Sax, Rumor Fix – Richard, “ – Jen Heger”, “ – Chris Myers”, Ryan Seacrest Show REDACTED>, San Gabriel Valley News, San Jose Mercury News, San Jose Mercury News, Santa Monica Press, Sean Hannity – Lauren Fritts, SF Chronicle, SF Chronicle, SF Daily Journal, She Knows – Whitney English, Sipa – French Press, Splash News, Splash News – Ian Burchell, Sports Net Central – Julie Donaldson, Star Magazine, Syracuse Post-Standard – John O’Brien, Talk Radio News, Talking Points – Evan McMorris, Talking Points – Jillian, Telegraph UK, Telegraph UK – Jon Swaine, Telemundo – Eduardo Suarez, The Daily – Matt Nestel, The Daily Orange at Syracuse Univ – Marwa Eltagouri, The Hill – Justin Sink, The Hollywood Reporter, The New Yorker – Ariel Levy, The Sun, The Sun, The Sydney Morning Herald – Paul McGeough, The Times – UK – Alex Frean, The Wrap, Thomson Retuers, Thomson Reuters, Thomson Reuters, Thomson Reuters, Thomson-Reuters, TMZ – Christie Bear, Today Show, TURNER, Turner, Turner – Adam Reiss, Turner – Allison Blakely, Turner – Bob Ruff, Turner – Chris Kokenes, Turner – Devon Sayers, Turner – Emily Barsh, TV Asahi America, TV Guide, UK Sunday Times, US Magazine – Melanie Bromley, Us Weekly – Senta Scarborough, USA Today, USA Today – Ann Oldenburg, USA Today – Jackie Kucinich, USC – Annenburg Television News, Vanity Fair, Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal – Alisha Mundy, “Walsh, Andrew”, Washington Post, Washington Post, WCBS, WeHo News, WGN Chicago – Christina, Will Lee – Hollywood Life, Wins Mail, WSJ, WSJ, X17, X17 Agency

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Oscar Party: Attorney Gloria Allred and Ginger White to attend together

Woman Who Alleged That She Had a Thirteen-Year Affair with Presidential Hopeful Herman Cain to Walk the Red Carpet with Gloria Allred

Attorney Gloria Allred will walk the red carpet with her guest, Ginger White, at the Night of 100 Stars Oscar Party on Sunday, February 26, 2012 in the Crystal Ballroom at the Beverly Hills Hotel at 9641 Sunset Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA, at 4:00 P.M. PST.

Ms. Allred previously represented Sharon Bialek who was the first woman to reveal her face and name and publicly allege that Herman Cain had made inappropriate sexual advances to her when she sought his assistance in obtaining employment. Ms. Bialek was verbally attacked by some of Cain’s supporters after she came forward. Ms. White then decided to go public with her allegation of a thirteen year affair with Mr. Cain, because she felt that it was unfair that the credibility of Ms. Bialek and other women were being questioned and she felt that it was important that the public know the truth.

Ms. Allred invited Ms. White to be her guest at the Oscar Party in order to honor her for her courage and her willingness to support other women.

Most if not all were media related employees. In psychology terms isnt this woman just a little egomaniacal ? How much media and attention does one person need before its just too overboard.

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lalalalal . 1 hr 29 mins ago

Everyone does this – she just has a more impressive list of contacts than most.

It’s recommended that if you’re any sort of organization or person of note (even if it’s modest note) to boost your pr through a free press release. … More

Do I need a Law Firm if I have been rear ended, an examination of car accident in North Carolina


To get some answer on what to do in case of being rear-ended we looked on the websites of some law firms , whom was kind enough to post some general advice.

They said , Clients often ask if they need a lawyer if they are in an accident of have been rear ended. See: car accident lawyer Raleigh, NC

The recent case of Bronson v. Hansel is a clear example of why you need a lawyer .

Trudi Bronson was involved in an auto accident. She had a property damage claim against the driver and she had a neck injury. She accepted $2000.00 after negotiations about the value of the damage to her vehicle.

Although she maintained that the insurance adjuster told her the Release she was given to sign was for the property damage only, the Release contained additional language concerning injuries.

Trudi had an MRI of her neck shortly thereafter and she was found to have a serious neck injury – a herniated disc in her neck. Her injury claim was dismissed by the Judge and the dismissal was affirmed on appeal, even though two of the Judges on the panel believed she had signed the Release under the mistaken belief that she was only Releasing her property damage claim.

We all sign documents without reading the small print (I recall house closings in particular). You have to call an attorney immediately after an accident to protect your rights.

In this case the insurance company could have allowed her to bring her claim. Instead the insurance company chose to take advantage of a very questionable Release obtained from her before she had a lawyer. After an auto accident call a lawyer. The initial consultation is usually without charge and levels the playing field with an insurance company.

Seven simple rules to curb car crashes in California nationwide


Auto accidents caused by drivers 15 to 20 years old killed 5,623 people nationwide in 2009. Now, imagine if 2,014 lives could be saved across the country every year. Sound far fetched? It’s not as hard as you might think. All states have to do is adopt seven simple rules for teenage drivers, according to the National Safety Council.

Auto accidents caused by California teenage drivers happen fast. What would you do you were injured in an auto accident? You need a personal injury lawyer in Bakersfield on your side. You need the Law Offices of Mickey Fine. Serving the Los Angeles area and the rest of California, the experienced attorneys at our law firm have helped many accident victims, including working with them to decide whether to file an auto accident lawsuit in California. Car crashes can be extremely complicated. Allow us to help you cut through the red tape and get the settlement your rightfully deserve. Contact a Los Angeles auto accident attorney who puts people first. Contact the Law Offices of Mickey Fine.

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