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Teens put people at risk on the road in PA, OH, WV. How to prevent an auto accident


Fatal auto accidents happen fast, especially car crashes involving teenagers. But what if there was a way to save lives? What if something could be done to save 66 lives in Ohio, 34 in Pennsylvania and 21 in West Virginia each year? Sound far fetched? It’s not as difficult as you might think. According to the National Safety Council, if each state adopted seven simple rules for teenage drivers, they could save that many lives each year in all three states. Nationwide, such rule changes would result in more than 2,000 lives saved every year.

Auto accidents caused by teenage drivers happen far too often. Sometimes, they’re not paying attention. Or they’re driving too fast. They may even be using a cell phone. Whatever the reason, you shouldn’t have to suffer. You deserve an experienced West Virginia teen auto accident attorney on your side. You need Recht Law Offices. Serving clients in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, our lawyers have dedicated their careers to working with auto accident victims, including helping them to decide whether to file an auto accident lawsuit in West Virginia.

Teenagers literally think differently. Increasing scientific evidence has found that teens’ brains are physically different from adults and still developing. That’s why teenagers often do things that make people think, “What were they thinking?”

That’s why the National Safety Council supports states adopting seven specific rules for teenage drivers aimed at reducing the number of auto accidents. These rules include states waiting until drivers are 16 years old to issue a learner’s permit and 16? years old to issue an intermediate license.

So many factors come into play in an auto accident. Knowing what to do can be extremely complicated. You can’t afford to take chances. Put your trust in a law firm that demands justice. Contact a West Virginia teen auto accident lawyer who will vigorously fight for your rights. Contact Recht Law Offices. We’re on your side.

Lawyers News It often pays to talk with an accident attorney in New Mexico


A serious injury in Albuquerque can be devastating. Whether you or a loved one is involved in a car accident on I-25 or I-40, or you or a loved one is injured due to asbestos exposure, you may have to face an overwhelming struggle. Accidents and injuries from dangerous drugs and or exposure to toxic substances can lead to steep medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering.

If you were injured, or a loved one was injured or died in an accident, contact an Albuquerque personal injury lawyer. Whitney Buchanan, P.C. provides a powerful mix of resources in experience in handling a variety of personal injury cases.
How a personal injury attorney in Albuquerque can help

Insurance companies may try to low-ball a car accident settlement or deny our accident claim altogether. Personal injury cases can be complex. You may need an experienced accident lawyer in Albuquerque who truly understands New Mexico laws and insurance regulations. Speak with an Albuquerque personal injury attorney to find out about your options if you sustained injuries or a loved one was injured or was a victim of a wrongful death.

Whitney Buchanan

Whitney Buchanan, P.C.
5201 Constitution Ave. N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 265-6491
Fax: (505) 266-2778

Law Wire News Think motorcycle riders are to blame for their accidents


By LawWireNews Marketing For Attorneys
Imagine that you’re riding your motorcycle and approaching an intersection. You see a car heading toward your from the opposite direction. Suddenly, the driver turns left and into your right-of-way. You apply the brakes and put the bike down. The car drives off and you are seriously injured through no fault of your own.

It sounds like a clear case of negligence, with the driver of the passenger vehicle being at fault. The insurance company, however, may take a different approach to the motorcycle accident. An adjuster may try to argue that you were somehow at fault. See Motorcycle Accident Attorney Hartford Ct

It’s a common misconception that most motorcycle accidents are due to aggressive riding by the motorcyclist. The unfair stereotype people have of motorcycle riders is that they are reckless speed demons. The insurance companies are aware of this misconception and will try to use it against the rider who is filing a claim.

Hartford motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli in Connecticut have experience representing clients injured in motorcycle wrecks. In many cases, the motorcycle collision occurred because the car driver or truck driver did not see the motorcycle. Sometimes a small motorcycle is hidden in a blind spot as it approaches a larger vehicle. At night, a motorcycle may be harder to see than a passenger vehicle. It’s crucial that drivers carefully check their blind spots or survey the intersection before turning onto a road or merging.

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An offshore drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico can be complicated. Need help?


Nearly two years after the worst oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore drilling is thriving in the region. That’s because many oil companies are digging deeper for oil in the Gulf of Mexico than ever before. Most of these new wells tap into oil more than 2,000 feet below the surface. In one instance, a new deepwater well has been extracting oil at 9,627 feet below the surface of the Gulf.

Offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico helps satisfy our nation’s vital need for energy. Unfortunately, accidents happen, even at the safest drilling facilities. What would you do if you couldn’t work for weeks or months? How would you pay your bills? You need an experienced maritime lawyer See: maritime lawsuit in your corner. You need the Law Offices of William Gee III. Licensed in Louisiana and Texas, Attorney William Gee III has spent his career working tirelessly for people who need legal help. We want to work with you and help you decide the best course of action, including whether to file an offshore drilling injury lawsuit in Louisiana. Offshore drilling cases can quickly become complicated. Simply figuring out who’s responsible for compensating you for your injuries can be daunting. Allow us to cut through the red tape and get you the settlement you rightfully deserve.

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New Mexico parents ignoring car safety seat laws when carpooling? Read results here


What would you do if your child was injured in a car accident while riding in someone else’s car on the way to preschool in New Mexico? Sound far-fetched? Sadly, many adults fail to use booster seats for children when carpooling in New Mexico and elsewhere.

A recent nationwide study found that 76 percent of 681 parents of children 4 to 8 years old say they use a booster seat for their own child, but only 55 percent use one when driving other children. And when it comes to carpooling, 21% of parents do not insist on a booster seat when their child rides with another driver, according to a study published in the February issue of Pediatrics.

So many factors can come into play if your child is injured in an accident while riding in someone else’s vehicle. At Whitney Buchanan, P.C., a New Mexico auto accident lawyer at our law firm can work with you to individually review your potential case.
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When It Comes To Lawyer Websites Microsites Less Is More-A Lot More


We touched on microsites in our Managed Sites post and sparked a flurry of questions. Attorneys are understandably confused because there’s an entire industry devoted to selling keyword-rich URL’s to law firms-along with the idea that adding more and more content is the goal. But that’s basically b.s., so buck up and prepare to let go of everything you’ve been told about microsites up to now. See: law firm marketing

Most attorneys don’t ask whether they should have them but how many. Microsites are like the technological chia pets of our time: Everyone thinks they need at least one, if not a flock and why not, they’re fun to propagate, a great conversation starter and fundamentally pragmatic, right?

Wrong. If you have multiple microsites, you’re compromising your main site’s potential by siphoning off the potency of external links

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Legal NewsSeven simple rules to curb car crashes in California nationwide


Auto accidents caused by drivers 15 to 20 years old killed 5,623 people nationwide in 2009. Now, imagine if 2,014 lives could be saved across the country every year. Sound far fetched? It’s not as hard as you might think. All states have to do is adopt seven simple rules for teenage drivers, according to the National Safety Council.

Auto accidents caused by California teenage drivers happen fast. What would you do you were injured in an auto accident? You need a California teen auto accident attorney on your side. See: Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

The National Safety Council supports states adopting seven specific
rules for teenage drivers aimed at reducing the number of auto
accidents – and saving more than 2,000 lives each year. These rules are:
– minimum age 16 for a learner’s permit
– six months before unsupervised driving
– minimum 30 hours supervised driving during learner’s stage
– intermediate licensing at 16? minimum
– intermediate night driving restriction begin no later than 10 p.m.
– no more than one non-family passenger for intermediate license
– minimum age 17 for a full license.

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Worker Compensation NC North Carolina Sees Rise in Workplace Deaths


Workers should be able to expect a safe working environment. Yet everyday, workers across North Carolina are seriously injured or even killed on the job.

Last year, despite the availability of safety and health training programs designed to avoid these tragedies, North Carolina actually saw a rise in the number of workplace fatalities See: Workers Compensation Benefits In North Carolina. The North Carolina Department of Labor announced that 53 people died on the job in 2011, an increase of three fatalities from the previous year.

Workplace Fatalities, By the Numbers

Accidents involving workers being hit by vehicles or equipment were the most significant cause of work-related deaths (18 of the 53 deaths), and construction workers were the most at risk of suffering fatal accidents (16 of the 53 deaths). Here are some other highlights from the report:

  • 17 workers died as a result of falls
  • Deaths in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries increased 150 percent (from 4 to 10)
  • Wake County saw the most fatalities of any county in the state (6)
  • The majority of work-related deaths were men (52 of 53)

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Bizzare Motor vehicle As well as 18 wheel truck Accident Photographs


You Can not Fake these automobile accident pictures

18-wheeler pickup truck vs hotel everyone stayed alive. The truck driver lost control over the passenger truck plus literally flied at the very least 12 feet just before smashing into an inn. The18 wheeler rammed directly into 2 hotel rooms one on the first floor and the other on the second floor. The family staying in first floor room where the truck crashed into the building was at breakfast at the time of the accident. The driver had to be cut from the truck and was transported to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Truck Flipped On A road crashing into motel

Here are various bizzare auto as well as truck car accident shots I just came accross. As far as We know everyone has been safe and sound but everyday life is usually stranger than fiction

Odd Truck Accident 3

Fresh paint All Over a Car
Odd Accident 31

Springfield MO personal injury lawyer Springfield MO If you or a loved one has been injured from the negligence or reckless behavior of another party, you don’t have to face the insurance companies on your own. Call Tolbert, Beadle & Musgrave toll-free at (800) 487-8546 today. Serving families in Springfield, Columbia, Jefferson City, Joplin and throughout Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri & Oklahoma with aggressive representation in cases like:

A guy got into a terrible accident on his Kawasaki motorcycle. There isn’t a piece left that is big enough to put in a breadbasket. The amazing part is
that the driver walked away from it almost unscathed. The person was very lucky, indeed.

Motorcycle Accident 109

Studies have shown that vehicle accidents certainly are a major cause of death of American motorists below thirty five. The figures tend to be surprising due to approximately forty thousand deadly accidents on a yearly basis. Lots of people haven’t got enough medical, auto, as well as disability insurance coverage to help them in that situation. Because of medical care costs almost always on the rise, shouldering the fees will be literally unfeasible during this predicament. Subsequently, you must talk to an auto accident law firm in order to document your desirable case.

Fort Worth TX legal evaluation


Anyone person injured by a third party have the right to pursue a claim for compensation. However, one of the key decisions is whether to seek the services of an accident lawyer and receive appropriate compensation or accept any offer from the insurance company. See: Fort Worth personal injury lawyers

In most cases, the insurance company would come up with an offer much lower than you expect. However, your decision ought to be based on the extent of your injuries and the nature of your case. For the most part, accident and personal injury claims could involve complex legal issues that can be best handled by an experienced and qualified accident lawyer. Therefore, it would be wise to hire a lawyer to represent your case.

For this purpose, you will need to provide the accident lawyer with your medical reports, details of the accident, and other evidence possible. Based on your evidence, a lawyer will be able to determine how much you can claim. Most often, the amount will be much more than you realize and even more than what an insurance company would offer you initially. An accident lawyer will ensure that your best interests are protected as he works towards getting you the highest compensation you deserve. If you file a claim against the government or a product liability lawsuit, you will most certainly need to hire the services of an experienced lawyer. The complexities of such cases are beyond the purview of most common people.

One of the first things to consider prior to searching for an Fort Worth lawyer is the type of personal injury you wish to seek a claim. Some specialize in car accident and slip and fall claims while others may be more experienced in product liability. Therefore, it is important to consult with the right type of accident lawyer experienced in the specific type of personal injury you desire to file a claim. Most lawyers offer a free initial consultation with no obligation to hire them. During this time you have the opportunity to ask them questions pertinent to your claim and judge their level of experience. In addition, you will be able to determine their fee structure to ensure you can afford to retain their services. However, most lawyers work on a contingency basis and only collect a percentage when they win the case. This does not take a toll on your finances. Moreover, you can be sure of receiving a higher compensation.

You could search for an accident lawyer online. Several websites review legal services. Alternatively, you can ask friends and associates for referrals. Check for their success with past cases and ask for references. Although the client-lawyer confidentiality issue may be a problem, some lawyers provide references with the permission of their client. Your local bar association will also be able to recommend a suitable accident lawyer in your area. The bottom line is that a little bit of effort on your part will help you find a credible lawyer that has the potential to make sure your finances aren’t compromised for a lifetime.