Posts Tagged ‘News’

News Dozens of Teen Worker Fatalities Thousands of Youth Job Injuries Annually Says Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyer Mark E Salomone


A new study examining the safety of young workers in the United States has yielded startling findings, says Massachusetts personal injury attorney Mark E. Salomone . According to statistics that appeared in HealthDay News, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health found that approximately 20,000 teen job-related injuries occurred in 2010, including 88 teen deaths due to workplace injuries at privately owned companies. Most businesses with three or more employees carry Worker’s Compensation coverage, which applies to young employees as well as adults.
Teen worker injuries and fatalities can be the due to a number of factors, including dangerous work environments, defective work equipment or poor training. Teenager job injuries have many causes, from construction site accidents and company car accidents to repetitive stress carpal tunnel pain and restaurant worker kitchen burns .
The study found that, out of all the types of work young people are hired to do, farming is the most hazardous. “From a fatality standpoint, farm work is the most dangerous occupation for kids,” said study author Carol Runyan in an University of Colorado news release. “In farm work, youths are working around heavy equipment, digging and cutting with sharp implements. There are deaths almost every year from young people suffocating in grain bins.”
Massachusetts personal injury attorney Mark E. Salomone understands that young workers are typically more vulnerable than adults, across all industries, and that it is vital for teen employees and their families to explore not only Workers’ Compensation rights but other damages they may be able to recover. “Even if your family receives the maximum amount of teen Workers’ compensation benefits,” says Salomone, “it may not be enough to cover all the expenses incurred as a result of your child’s injury. A third party-such as a manufacturer, contractor or someone else whose actions may have been careless-could also be liable for a young worker’s injuries.”
Child labor laws exist across the nation, though in some companies they are not fully implemented or may go unheeded altogether. “We don’t tend to think of child labor as a major issue in the U.S., but we should,” says Runyan. “Laws governing the employment of youth ages 14 to 17 in this country are often very lenient and, in the case of family farms, virtually non-existent.”

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Attorney News New Laws on Texting While Driving Will Likely Affect West Virginia


It used to be that applying make-up or slurping coffee from a commuter mug were most common reasons drivers got distracted while behind the wheel. Now, with the number of car accidents going up every year, there is a far more deadly reason people are being distracted: Driving While Texting.

The state of being distracted by texting even has a name: “Intextication”, which can produce the same erratic driving maneuvers that alcohol causes. Some research shows that drunk drivers actual handle their cars more safely than those who are sober but texting. Texting accidents and injuries are on the rise and laws are changing because of it.

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News Feed Personal injury lawyers involved in football’s brain injury debate


Courts are beginning to weigh in on the debate over concussions and traumatic brain injuries sustained by National Football League players, according to an article in The New York Times.

Players who sustained injuries during their careers today are describing long-term cognitive problems, which they blame on the sport, according to the article, published on Dec. 30.

Personal injury lawyers representing the players have already assisted in filing lawsuits on behalf of retired players. Questions are being raised about what the NFL knew about neurological effects resulting from repeated hits to the head.

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