Archive for March, 2012

Legal News Detroit, Michigan Dog Bite Injuries Can Include Dog Bite Fatalities


We’ve all been there. Strolling down the road, enjoying a nice afternoon when a dog suddenly comes running down the sidewalk toward us, barking and angry. Or during a bike ride, a dog lunges out from behind a car, snarling and nipping at our heels. Runners encounter dogs all the time, and though most situations don’t become a case of dog bite injuries, some do and every year, in fact, dog bite occur.

The statistics are surprising and, considering that there are dogs in every neighborhood across the country, they’re downright scary as well. In 2010 there were 34 dog attack fatalities and there are over 350,000 dog bite victims each year, with approximately 800,000 requiring some type of medical attention. According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 2001 and 2003 there were 4.5 million dog bite victims per year.

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Attorney News New Laws on Texting While Driving Will Likely Affect West Virginia


It used to be that applying make-up or slurping coffee from a commuter mug were most common reasons drivers got distracted while behind the wheel. Now, with the number of car accidents going up every year, there is a far more deadly reason people are being distracted: Driving While Texting.

The state of being distracted by texting even has a name: “Intextication”, which can produce the same erratic driving maneuvers that alcohol causes. Some research shows that drunk drivers actual handle their cars more safely than those who are sober but texting. Texting accidents and injuries are on the rise and laws are changing because of it.

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Getting the best social security attorneys Helps An Action


The work of the disability lawyers would only be to ensure that you do get your due from the negligent party, When you do go for the social security disabilities lawyers than you should know that they cannot guarantee that you would be getting the benefits but they would help you to make an able case in front of the government body, which would ensure that you do not have to struggle like you happen doing now. Many of the people who do employ the services of the disability lawyers have been undergoing a lot of year’s experiences of fighting against the government for the benefits that they should be getting and they have had to undergo a lot of stringent measures to make it to this level. See : disability lawyers in Charlotte NC

There is certainly something bad when you find a person who does not get the representation to get benefits against their disabilities. When you do get a hold of the disability lawyers, then your case can be given the most priority and only then would you be able to get the very best of treatment from them. When you do go for defending your claims, then if you do not have the best of disability lawyers representation, then you can be certain of the fact that you have lost the early initiative and you may now never see the light of any benefits again. See: Social Security lawyer in Bakersfield You may not get a very good payback and the lawyers fees would have to come back from your own pocket. Under such a thing, it would be of an utmost importance, which you go for the best in disability lawyers and only they can help you get the benefits that you would like to see in your kitty for the damage that you have faced in the hands of the society and the God.

Most of the disability lawyers would go about defending you by getting medical records and making sure that they get enough people who have a very good record of medical history. This would go about cementing your place in the records and you would be able to get those elusive benefits that you may have wanted from the government for a very long time. Make sure that you get the very best of disability lawyers so that you do not have to worry about getting any sort of kinks in the armor that you are to portray to the government. You would need to have rock solid claims and makes sure that you have a lawyer that can successfully defend you in the court of law, making it one of the best way s for you to get the decision to go for you. The lawyer that you go for can be compassionate as well as sympathetic in your illness, but he should be menacing enough in the courtroom to ensure that you get the benefits from that moment onwards, making it a very good thing for you under such hardships.

Medical Payments NC North Carolina regards MedPay coverage as supplemental


Often times those injured in a car accident struggle with paying for medical treatment, but are unaware that their own car insurance policy may provide coverage for medical expenses. By the time the injured party calls an attorney there may be large gaps in medical treatment that can significantly damage the case. One way to pay for hospital and doctor bills related to a car accident may be through “Med Pay” See: Medical Payments coverage North Carolina .

Medical Payments coverage, also known as Med Pay, may be used to pay for reasonable expenses incurred for necessary medical and funeral services because of bodily injury caused by an automobile accident.

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Law Wire News Why Are So Many Attorneys Wanna-Be Web Gurus? 2 1 1


Get this: Only about 1 in 20 law firms have their websites professionally managed. The other 95% have a site built, then decide they’ll somehow make it searchable but they have no clue what they’re doing, so their big investment starts collecting cyber dust like a box of brochures on a shelf. See: Seo For Attorneys

I know, I know-your firm doesn’t need site-management help because you’re good with Google, your paralegal made a site for a friend once and your admin likes blogging. Hell, for that matter, why not have your dentist handle depositions and the mailman can take your place in court? Eventually you’ll panic, hire a bunch of piece-meal vendors to try to keep it afloat and then waste time trying to manage them.

If you want high search rankings, you need a proven site-management company with the expertise, dogged mindset and dedicated hours to systematically keep your site in step with Google’s constant algorithm changes. (Admit it-you don’t even know what that means, do you?)
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