New laws may prohibit texting while driving in PA. Get the facts! : Lawyer Watch


Texting while driving is legal in Pennsylvania. But that may soon change. State lawmakers have been debating for years over whether to place restrictions on texting and driving. Both sides appear close to resolving the issue and enacting laws prohibiting texting while driving in Pennsylvania. If Pennsylvania does so, it will join 34 other states and the District of Columbia, all of which currently ban texting while driving. New Jersey is one of the 34 states.

Distracted driving kills and injuries thousands of people each year nationwide. If you or a family member has sustained a serious injury due to someone else’s reckless behavior, take action. Contact a Philadelphia accident attorneys who fights for justice. Contact Flager & Yockey. Serving clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, our highly skilled car accident lawyer philadelphia work tirelessly for clients every day. We understand how complicated accidents can be for people. Allow us to help you cut through the red tape and get the compensation you rightfully deserve. Contact a philadelphia lawyer who puts people first. Contact Flager & Yockey.

A recent scientific study revealed some startling information about the effects of texting on a driver’s reaction time. According to the study conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute, drivers react twice as slow while texting. “It is frightening,” the researchers wrote, “to think of how much more poorly our participants may have performed if the driving conditions were more consistent with routine driving.”

Distracted driving accidents happen fast. Knowing what to do afterwards can be confusing. We can help. The dedicated attorneys at Flager & Yockey believe every client deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We’re here to make sure accident victims get the attention they deserve. Contact Flager & Yockey for first-class legal advice. Allow us to help you get your life back on track.


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